May 03, 2004 14:18
school: school is good thus far, although i am getting less motivated the longer i am not allowed to use pro tools or any other music stuff for that matter. i'm getting good grades and i think i'll bring my gpa up higher than 3.5 this term. so that's good.
work: i've all but left toys r us, thank god, i'm working at a new uno's restaurant. as a host. it's rad. the people are cool and so far it's a really good time. i just hope i can start bringing in some serious cash.
never talk to people younger than you. that's my advice for the day. i thought i was being nice by conversing with some girl but she went all wacked out and kinda skeeved me out. yeah she was way younger that was very strange i don't do that.
you can just forget about that last post too, she stopped talking to me, strange thing is i'm not to upset about it, it kinda pissed me off at first, but then i just thought of how imature and lame she was being and didn't want to be with a girl like that.
i'm not going to write about another girl here, mainly because when i do nothing ever works got it? so i shall peace it all out lata