Jul 07, 2004 19:14
(Foreword: In regards to my music choices, I'm a bit of an oldies freak, for those who don't know)
Hello everyone, I'm back. Now I'll be speaking to one more person in the audience apparently, as i noticed one more person has placed me on their friends list (thank you sara!) So now, it's....4 people. Cool. Anyway, it's one more day at NYU...man that sounds awesome...NYU...I ran into former friends of mine twice today, one set on the ride home on the subway and the other at the mcdonald's as i was walking home. Both times they asked me what i was doing; when i told them that i was coming from classes at NYU, the look on their face was one of amazement and admiration, more importantly, respect..."Wow NYU, congrats man!" That alone made all these summer classes and all the hard work and the money worthwhile. It was a reminder to me of why I'm doing what I'm doing...all this extra work and sacrifice is for a reason, cause this is something that gains respect, and that's what I'm after...respect. That's why I worked so hard in the play every year, to gain respect. I know I got rid of it all with every bad joke I said (and there were PLENTY, as anyone will say), but at the end of my four years, I think I got a certain amount of respect from my friends and peers. Maybe I'm wrong, maybe they're al laughing at me back at school, but I know I did the best I could and that I worked as hard as I could to get what I want, and that makes me feel good, satisfied...wow this is going nowhere, I feel like Deux (doosoo!!) Alright, enough preaching, back to basics...writing was cool, it felt like high school again, which was comforting, but I hope it gets a little more advanced in terms of teaching style...after that was the pre-freshman seminar, that was a waste of time, just an hour and 15 minutes to go over any questions we had about financial aid, etc....we got a stipend of 100 dollars though, that was cool....so that means that so far, from NYU, I've earned about, oh say NEGATIVE 30,000 DOLLARS. But anyway, after that I had a gap of 2 and a half hours..so i went to cozy's on 8th and broadway...oh my god!!! If you like burgers, you must go immediately! I mean now, if it's nighttime go in your pj's! After that, my dad came to meet me (he was up in midtown on vacation) and we hung out in washington square park. It was gorgeous there. There was a portly black man there half-naked(the top half naked, thank god)with a cowboy hat on in the fountain who was singing to the girls sitting there. It was quite entertaining. I believe that this is the ultimate fate of Chris De Roche, actually. It'll be just like now, except a lot more pitiful...oh wait, he's ALREADY that pitiful (lol, nothin' but love djsnipecase!) And after that, umm, was math....yeah, I still have a headache from that class. And now, I have work to do for tomorrow, so that's that for today. I thank all four of my eager listeners (shouts to sammy, jojo, sara and nag-master flexx).
Peace up, A-Town Down!