9/29/08 - The Line

Sep 29, 2008 00:30

There is a line. It stretches infinately in each direction. On one side of that line is life; the other death. You cannot see past the line. You cannot see over, or around the line. Once you cross the line you cannot come back.

We do not know what is on the other side of that line. There are many beliefs. Much faith, much hope goes into those beliefs.

So what happens if your heart is torn into two and your love exists on both sides of the line? Your mind want comfort in understanding both sides but your heart is already there.

That is where I live my life. 1/2 with my daughter and 1/2 with my son & wife. If my heart was divided between the 4 of us before now its just three. My part is lost. My sense of self & of who I am is gone. So that part died too.

I am not sure how but I need to believe something about the other side of that line.


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