Uzhgorodian Mihail Temnov is the author of a fantasy novel

Aug 24, 2011 13:36

Uzhgorodian Mihail Temnov is the author of a fantasy novel, a trilogy under the title “Gardens of Chaos”. He graduated from Moscow Customs College, served in military counter-intelligence, the KGB of the USSR and The Security Service of Ukraine.
He graduated from the Law faculty in Uzhgorod and the divinity school at the University of Preshov in the Slovak Republic. Also he is a human right activist and a theologian. Mihail is the founder and publisher of the newspaper “Pravozakhyst”. Because of his activity in the field of human rights he was persecuted and victimized.
Author’s life experience allowed him to look at the world from a different point of view, to see unusual in the usual phenomena, to discover new worlds, grasp the objective laws of their development and to embody those worlds in the epic fantasy novel by Mihail Temnov arousing readers’ interest to the creative work of the author.
Mihail Temnov helped many readers to find their place in this life because, according to the author’s belief, everyone has their own way. And there is no need to be someone else if every living creature has their own mission and way. It is a paradox? Maybe it is, or maybe it is not. It’s up to the readers of his books to find out.
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