History: Delirium is the youngest of the seven Endless, anthropomorphic personifications of various ideas. Despite her very young appearance, Delirium (also known as Del) is older than all existence. She in fact tends to appear around fourteen years old, though her actual features are constantly changing, to represent her madness, but she seems to favour multi-coloured hair, along with various fishnet clothing. One eye is always blue, the other always green.
Once, Delirium was known as Delight but for reasons unknown even to anyone else. Despite the change, her portrait in the galleries of her siblings remains the same. At one point, she decides to seek her older brother, Destruction, who left his realm behind many years ago. After asking help from her sister-brother, Desire, and then seeking it from her sister Desire, she eventually enlists Dream's aid.
Along the way, the two visit another brother, Destiny, and walk through his gardens. Dream becomes distressed and Delirium collects herself, only briefly, and her usually disordered appearance becomes symmetrical. The transformation is painful for her but in this moment of clarity it is suggested that Delirium, however chaotic she is, knows things that even Destiny does not know - she tells him that not everything is written in the book that he carries.
Eventually Del and Dream find the brother they seek. While they cannot convince him to return, Del is much happier for it, and even gets a dog out of the whole deal. Win/win situation there!
Personality: Delirium, as her name suggests, comes off completely insane to most, but her brothers and sisters tolerate it all the same, some seeming quite fond of her. When speaking, Del often loses the thread of conversation and comes out with seemingly ridiculous non-sequiturs; but more often than not, these throwaway comments can have a far deeper meaning. She has a deep fondness for her brother Destruction. Her realm is a reflection of herself - chaotic, forever changing, but it always has a sundial inscribed with Tempus Frangit, 'time breaks'. Anyone mad has visited her realm one time or another, just as everyone visits Dream's realm.
Other: Del enjoys creating colourful creatures out of nothing - they range from butterflies, to frogs, to fish. Since she liks colours so much, her posts will probably be a tad chaotic as well...
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Del was uncomfortable in her chair. She was uncomfortable and had decided these family meeting were a bore and not only that, it was so hard to know what her brothers and sisters and sisterbrother were thinking. Desire always laughed at her, all the time, but Del knew things that Desire didn't, so HA HA to you Desire. Del shifted her position with a small grunt and in the tiny movement her appearance changed, one moment bright blue hair reaching to her shoulders, the next closely cropped green and orange, a horrid combo but she didn't care, never had.
Dream was talking, her other big brother though they were all bigger than her, and sometimes she didn't like that because sometimes they didn't listen to her even though she did know things. Just because she was youngest and so crazy. She started drawing her right hand through the air, creating bright whirls of pink and out of the pink came butterflies. If she looked at them in a funny way, if she squinted, they looked a bit like flying dogs. Her brother had a dog, Destruction. Oh she missed Destruction but after she'd found him once he gave her a lovely doggie just for herself, though he'd told the dog to look after her - that was the wrong way round she would have to feed the dog and look after it.
"Do you think," asked Del suddenly, rubbing a hand over her short hair, "that maybe there could be a word for butterflies that when you look at them really hard, they look like dogs? Because I think there should be if there isn't. Don't you know, Dream, you know a lot of words...?"