Boomer Arashi Fangirl Update 2021

Jan 31, 2021 15:06

I just read my last post and how the Boomer's favorite was Nino.

Well guess what?

The Boomer's favorite now is Mr. Sakurai Sho.
She says, he isn't, but he is. I swear he is. She's always talking about and watching Sho. Only when Sho isn't doing anything, would she notice Nino. But if you ask her who her fave is, she'd say it's everybody. They're all- equally- her favorite. They're all her sons. (My brothers don't care tho LOL)

In the begining, she started to watch the YouTube vids because of Ohno. Riida was the first one she could recognize easily. Then Nino because of Iwo Jima. Then Sho lately. I think she had a short Aiba phase which went over my head because ... it was so short. I just have this vague memory of her talking about how Aiba is such a nice person because animals wouldn't like people who aren't nice. I think that was between Nino and Sho. But MatsuJun, poor baby, is still last on her list.

This made me think about my own evolution. I started with Jun because of Gokusen. I can't deny it, I'm old. Then Nino (Stand Up). Then Ohno (he kinda-sorta-parang looks like my ex-whois-not-an-ex). Then Aiba when he had that gorgeous long curly hair during Beautiful Days / Ryusei no Kizuna season. Then I finally gave in to Sho because when he was being a brat on Shukudai I just can't help falling in love. February 2009 was that point of no return for me. (It took me a while because I had to get over my SuJu, Tohoshinki, and Farenheit phase first because younger me valued pretty over substance LOL)

I wrote this first thing after I woke up and even I can't comprehend why I'm telling you this sh*t, knnowing for sure nobody ever reads my sh*t anymore. Everybody I knew in the fandom had moved on (basically). Actually, I think everybody I once knew in LJ had moved on o_O

EDIT: Boomer reminded me she started to watch Jdrama because after watching Kimi Wa Petto with me (which I visit every so often) her interest was picqued and then started checking out Jun in YouTube, which then turned her attention to Ohno. Sooooo... THE BOOMER WAS JUN-BAITED.  

♥matsumoto_jun, arashi adek, ♥ninomiya_kazunari, *confessions of a fangirl*, fangirlizms, ♥ohno_satoshi, !harem: east, ✩dekya, ☹personal rant, ♥sakurai_sho

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