Making A Comeback Before The Hiatus

Oct 15, 2020 18:09

It's not easy to ignore Arashi these days. In fact, it was very hard for me not to know what was happening this past year. Even the ones I didn't wanna know. Like Nino getting married.

I thought I had posted something about my adventures in Blast in Hawaii. But I guess, I didn't. Or I did over at another blog (Blogger which I can't open anymore, or maybe Tumblr which has too many sh*t I don't wanna scroll anymore). Or maybe I was just too overwhelmed by the entire experience, I guess I forgot my responsibilities as a fangirl. Then I ran into some problems, as I always say, "Life got in the way," and I couldn't follow what was happening anymore. So I took a hiatus to focus on myself and what was happening in my life that I couldn't run away from anymore.

iBut since the start of the quarantine, I had been feeling a bit down. So I started watching Arashi on YouTube. But most of them were either Chinese subbed, or Korean subbed. And since I'm living with my mother (henceforth would be known as the Boomer) as her primary caretaker, she was  compelled to watch them with me. And she got addicted. She said, it was like watching Eat Bulaga (you'd know this if you're Filipino.

Now, I'm back to hunting eps, especially VSA eps. To keep the Boomer happy. Because when she's happy and watching something, I'm left alone peaceful. Also, it's fun to watch the evolution of the Boomer's fangirl. From indifferent non-fan who can't tell one from the other, to picking Nino as her favorite because of Iwo Jima, to telling me that Nino is so petty but he's still her favorite, to having my Honey & Clover movie poster framed before buying a necessary kitchen appliance because the former is more important or as she said it, "Mental health is more important than digestive health." BTW, Boomer is 68yo, born 3 days before Nino's bday, and is a kidney transplant patient. That's just how she rolls. LOL.

Anyways. Hi if you're new here. I'm Dek. And I'm an Arashi Addict.

arashi adek, !harem: east, *confessions of a fangirl*

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