What is really deviant behavior?

Apr 09, 2010 01:56

Just the other day I had a revelation. I was reading an article in which a catholic priest denounced homosexuality as an unnatural act. As I am sure most of you know by now, the priest was wrong. Over a thousand different species of animals on planet earth engage in homosexual actions. Humanities closest genetic cousin, the bonobos, engages in all sorts of sexual antics including homosexuality. These sorts of thoughts were going through my head.

Then something profound occurred to me. The bonobos try everything sexual. The bonobos engage in sexual acts that even the most liberal of us consider amoral and wrong. The bonobos engage in incessant. The bonobos do not wait until puberty. They will do everything else, but the bonobos do not practice celibacy.

Intrigued, I started doing some research. As far as I can determine, there is only one animal on planet earth stupid enough to attempt celibacy. That stupid primate would be humans.

Think about it. All catholic priests engage in abnormal sexual conduct. All of them. In nature, no animals chose to remain celibate. All throughout the natural world, animals seek a healthy outlet for their naturally occurring sexual drive. To attempt to ignore this drive or to replace it with something else is a radical deviation from the accepted norm.

Consider this, too. It is a choice. While there are those out there who are born with a lower than average sex drive, this is the exception and not the rule for those who join the priesthood. They are pursuing an unnatural sexual lifestyle and they are choosing to do in defiance of nature.

What really struck me was how they had convinced me for forty-two years that their celibacy was completely normal and reasonable. Once a reasonable person takes a moment to look around at the natural world around them, he clearly sees how absurd it is to speak of celibacy as anything normal or reasonable at all.
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