So, I wrote Paul Broun . . . again

Mar 20, 2010 13:33

Representative Paul Broun,

I was angered and disappointed and embarrassed by a statement you made on the floor of the House or Representatives. You said the following.

“If ObamaCare passes, that free insurance card that’s in people’s pockets is gonna be as worthless as a Confederate dollar after the War Between The States - the Great War of Yankee Aggression.”

In suggesting that the citizens of Georgia are no longer wishing to be a part of the United States of America, you are doing your constituents a grave disservice. I am not even going to waste my time attempting to explain to you, a doctor who has practiced without a medical license, the importance of medical care. Instead I am going to attempt to enlighten you on what it means to be a true and faithful citizen of the United States of American.

A truly patriotic citizen of the United States of American does not cut and run off to Puerto Rico when the legislation does not go his or her way. A truly patriotic citizen does not shamefully engaged in calling the duly elected representative of the people a dictator or a zombie and other childish names. Finally, a truly patriotic America does not trample gleefully upon the dead solider who fought and died in one of the saddest periods in the history of the United States of America. You, Sir, make me sick.

While you might not wish to be a part of the United States of America, you have taken a sacred oath to represent the citizens of this nation that reside in the great state of Georgia. Please try to do your job with at least a small measure of dignity.

Donald Eric Kesler
Athens, Georgia
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