Dear Vermont, F**k You-

Jan 16, 2006 20:29

I'm boycotting maple syrup and Ben & Jerry's Ice cream. A judge in Vermont gave a guy who raped a six year old repeatedly over a four year period, (and invited a friend to do so also.) 60 days in jail, citing the assailant's right to rehabilitation, (doesn't exist, if you think it does I have three words for you- Wesley Allen Dodd.

Justice Has Not Been Served!! 25-to life, FUCKING MINIMUM!!! What's worse is Vermont's politicians won't kick out the judge, and their papers are praising his decision!?!

Let me get this straight, "Tookie" Williams can murder four people and his execution is a travesty, but a 34 year old man can destroy a little girls life and psyche and no one says "boo".

I'm saying "Boo"!! Fuck You Judge Cashman, Fuck you Vermont's Govenor, Speaker of the house, and the Burlington times!


Ps: Irans new Ayatollah and all his top mullahs have a nuke and have also publicly called for Isreal's destruction....I'm also boycotting genie lamps and flying carpets!

Hey Iran, remember what happened to Lybia?!? Suprised the Shit outta those Motherfuckers!!

So Iran can Fuck Off too!!
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