"For someone who is always tirerd and doesn't go out, you know a lot of people." -Brenda

Oct 18, 2009 00:13

It's been way too long since I've updated. I'll make this as quick as possible.

-This has been possibly the most annoying semestar ever. Classes range from the pretty interesting (War & Society in Canada) to the biggest waste of my time (History of Modern Art). I already can't wait for this semestar to be over.

-Al is back from Japan and the lunch table is once again complete. We've even invited a newcomer to the Table, Casey. She is afriad of everything (feet, elevators, clown, jello, hi-fives, etc). The more fears she admits to us, the more we use those to our advantage.

-Braintree High Theatre Guild is up and running at full speed, working on the musical Bells Are Ringing. This time we have a brande new auditorium at our disposal. Here's a lost of everything new we have: rug, curtains, chairs, lighting instruments, dimmer racks, new circuits, fly ropes, sound system. Yup, it's pretty awesome. It wasn't finished until recently, so we were building in one of the woodshop rooms for a while, which helped and didn't help.

-Saw Streetlight Manifesto in concert. One of the best live shows I've seen in a while.

-Brenda came to visit for a few days. Despite being sick for the first few days it was awesome to have her around again. Lots of trips into Boston, introducing her to friends and the fun goings-on, and quiet night at home. Excellent. There are plans of more visitngs in january, and if all goes well she'll be back down here in the spring.

-Had two work days for Cabaret. I barely recognized anyone in the cast. Not cool. I need to get out of Bridgewater.

-Chris and Jason have gotten me into Ghost Hunters: pretty cool show.

-New Big Bad Bobby songs are pretty tight. Hopfully some new recordings will surface in the future.
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