I just got off the phone with Sean.

Oct 21, 2005 18:28

Please, everyone, pray for Sean. His asthma has been acting up, even though he got a medical clearance for it from a hospital here at home before he was allowed to enlist. They've moved him to a different squadron, and he's on medical watch. He goes in for an asthma screening soon, and if it comes back positive, they will start his separation papers. He said he'd get a chance to call me this weekend, if not sooner. He sounded very broken up, but was being brave. He also said he just wanted to come home. I told him no, that the next day I'd see him would be Riverwalk Day (right after he graduates from Basic). I told him that we were all praying for him, that everyone supported him and we're all rooting for him. I also told him there was a backup plan, that he could still use his Bright Futures scholarship, that we could finish up pre-marital classes at the church, and go off to Tallahassee or Gainesville or wherever. I had been putting off grad school, choosing instead to go with him to his first assignment. I won't start applying until I know more.

I reminded him what I told him months ago that I'd love him if he was a street musician. I mean it, too. I'm a stubborn one; I'm not letting go.

He did say that he was allowed to keep wearing the ring I gave him. He was asked about it, said he was engaged, and the TI said that he was as good as married, so he could keep it. He also said that he'd be able to write every day and call more often.

My heart hurts when he hurts. I was strong for him, supporting and encouraging; I didn't cry until I got on the phone with his Mom, and with my Mom. My Mom is on the phone with the prayer chain at church right this minute to put him on it.

Sunny just gave this to me, the Prayer of St. Michael:

Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host -
by the Divine Power of God -
cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world seeking the ruin of souls.


She asked me if I wanted him to come home. What I want is for God's will to be done, to do what's best for Sean, whatever that may be. I'm confident that I'm not alone.

I made sure to remind him of what his mother's been telling me all along: everything will be well. God says so.

Prayer works, whatever the outcome is. So please, please pray.

Thank you, everyone.


sean, prayer requests

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