Feb 18, 2006 07:39
Candy-apple nails scraped against the wall of War's temple as a visitor - a rather distinct visitor - found her way through various rooms and chambers. She'd left her husband sleeping off a heavy dose of Seduction - afterall, someone as busy as Zeus' herald would need his energy for all of that...flitting around he did, wouldn't he?
Peitho sat down on what, she supposed, was an 'ornate' sort of chaise...creation and looked around the room. She could honestly say that this was one of the few temples she'd hardly seen from the inside...not that she was really missing out on much. Lots of black, wall to wall weapons, leather...everything. Hmm, yeah, typical residence of war.
She sighed. Ugh, war stuff was boring. Not that she was really here for war. War was two sides colliding in battle, and Peitho hadn't gone there for anything even close to that. No, Peitho was there for revenge.
Hermes had been punished, and, after some not-so-crocodile tears, she'd managed to make him feel...alright with the idea of it. However, that didn't mean she was satisfied. Oh. No. Hermes had double standards, and that wasn't right. Hermes disrepescted her, and that wasn't proper. Something had to be done.
And what better way to make Hermes see the light than to give him a taste of his own, bitter medicine? Peitho thought that would work wonders, especially when dear husband discovered what that medicine contained.
Now all she needed was the right ingredients...
...ugh, she didn't have all day!!!