Wanna talk about writing? Looking for resources and short fanfic challenges? Need some help on a stubborn plot point? The lovely akintay is starting up a new comm:
Just your typical round-robin-JDM-space-pirate-kitchen-sink-SPN-cast crack fic... in case that's something you're interested in. We've already got three chapters posted (I just put mine up yesterday!) and we've got nine more to go! RIDICULOUS!
I'm seeing lots of people in fandom trying to make the leap to publishing their original m/m stories, and I want to point you in the direction of two who are just starting out and-- knowing your tastes, dear fic readers-- that you might really like.
I haven't dropped out of fandom, just the opposite, I'm working frantically to get a vid out before the start of the new season. But in the meantime, this looks super-fun! Go to it!