Happy Birthday, Dean!

Jan 24, 2008 06:34

In honor of Dean Winchester's birthday, a small drabble. It also serves as my contribution for the prompt from 100_ghosts this week.

Vital Sign
Sam and Dean (PG, gen)


Sam lays the pedal down, swerving through the freeway traffic and shooting quick glances at Dean who’s writhing in the passenger seat, clutching his gut.

Dean moans. Sam chants, “Hold on, hold on, hold on.”

“I’m… not gonna make it.”

“Almost there.”

An exit ramp. Sam yanks the wheel, throwing Dean against the door with a sharp yelp.

“Jesus! Sorry, man.”

“Pull over! Now!”

The Impala screeches to a halt. Dean rolls out, scrabbling blindly down her length, ripping open his jeans and pissing all over the back tire.

Sam doesn’t look, just calls out, “Next birthday? Three beer maximum.”

spn, drabbles

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