"Did you guys ever WATCH the show?"

Jul 09, 2008 17:39

... it's a quote from Galaxy Quest. And I think it's applicable.

I'm beginning to notice a pattern:
1) SG1 travels to new planet, to find a new weapon, discover some new information, or something else cool.
2) SG1 gets to new planet, and things immediately start going badly. Very badly.
3) SG1 panics, and tries to figure out a way out of the crisis.
4) ( Read more... )

stargate is annoying me

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Comments 2

immer_am_lesen July 9 2008, 11:26:38 UTC
I can't add much to this, apart from "stop taking apart my lovely show that I never thought about too hard and which made fine sense to me until you started taking it to pieeeeces....!"
Oh, and apart from "Go'uld" is spelt "Goa'uld".
Despite the way Hammond mangles it as "Goold". I think Daniel says "Go-a-oold", but Jack and most others just say "Goold" too. Sigh.

Ooh, lookit what I found. Now we can all talk like the gods- The Gods, I say! http://members.liwest.at/reno/transl_goa.htm
Sheril' nocin.

Need new eps yet?


deird1 July 9 2008, 11:50:51 UTC
"stop taking apart my lovely show that I never thought about too hard and which made fine sense to me until you started taking it to pieeeeces....!"

I do apologise. But I must keep ranting. It's the only thing keeping me sane at this point...

"Go'uld" is spelt "Goa'uld"

Fixed. Thanks!

Need new eps yet?

Not yet. But soon...


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