Strategic Unpleasantness

Apr 14, 2010 17:01

My job would be an excellent outlet for grumpy people.

"Be unpleasant to people" is practically part of my job description. Really, they could get ideal employees by advertising "Must Have A Horrible Personality".

Why? Because I have no powerThe larger part of my job involves getting people who work for another company to do things for the ( Read more... )


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Comments 9

eilowyn April 14 2010, 08:10:47 UTC
Well . . . is your job at least a bit more pleasant (or at least easier) during that time of the month? It sounds like being bitchy an PMSing would be a benefit to the job - use that rage for something constructive, maybe?

But no, it doesn't sound like a job that leaves you serene and at peace with the world *hugs*


deird1 April 15 2010, 01:23:28 UTC
*hugs back*

Not exactly a peace-inducing job, no.


beer_good_foamy April 14 2010, 08:14:04 UTC
So basically, you're Australia's answer to Malcolm Tucker. Which is pretty awesome. :-)


angearia April 14 2010, 18:30:06 UTC
"Maybe we can download rice." Hahaha time travel. :P

"Don't you ever, ever, call me a bully. I'm so much worse than that." *snort* Bwah!

So Deird, the answer to this is that you have a camera follow you around for your job or maybe you re-enact it. Bam! Australian gender reversal of Malcolm Tucker.


deird1 April 15 2010, 01:22:40 UTC
Exactly. But with less swearing. :)


a2zmom April 14 2010, 22:43:27 UTC
Nothing like having no power or authority. Sounds like a blast.


deird1 April 15 2010, 01:22:17 UTC
Total blast, yeah. *waves flag*


lavastar April 15 2010, 01:18:32 UTC
Ohhh, that sounds so bummer-ful.

But I thought your job was poking around at trains? Is this new and different, or a different aspect of it?


deird1 April 15 2010, 01:21:54 UTC
Same job - different aspect. Just... an aspect I've had to do a lot lately, which is bumming me out.


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