
Aug 24, 2009 15:04

You know what? In some ways, I am a very sensible person.

One of those ways is that, when my body starts showing signs of maybe being about to get sick, I don't push through the pain and keep on plugging away until I'm actually collapsing on the floor and coughing up blood.
Instead, I go "Huh. About to be sick. I'll take a sick day, and hopefully lots of rest and relaxation will prevent any sickness."

It's a good strategy. Instead of having a week away from work and feeling dreadful the entire time, I have a day off, feel mildly unwell, and then am back to work feeling bright-eyed and bushy-tailed the next morning.

Unfortunately, my work has two different categories of sick leave available.
We get:
- a small quantity (approx 6 days) of "sick leave - no doctor's certificate"
- a large quantity (approx 40 days) of "sick leave - with certificate"

And my "taking a day off" plan means I end up using the non-certificate leave, because I'm not sick enough (yet) for a doctor to agree that I desperately need to stay home.

So, today, I am feeling dreadful. And I know perfectly well that, if I took a day of sick leave tomorrow, I'd be fine by Wednesday.

But I've used up my 6 days already. And I'm not sick enough to use up the 35 doctor-approved days I've got left.

I'm basically going to spend the next few days getting slowly sicker, until, finally, I get to the point where I can get the certificate.



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