
Mar 09, 2022 20:47

Joining the mass migration, I opened a dreamwidth account at the weekend, and today it has finally managed to import my entire lj archive going back to 2007. Woohoo! I'd almost given up on it ever working, and was starting to think I would lose all that history.

I'm on DW with the same username, and starting to rebuild my f-list over there. I know a lot of people have been posting their DW links lately, just in case, and I'll have a trawl and see who I can find, but I'm very much still trying to find my way around DW and haven't yet figured out how to initiate a friend request myself (as opposed to accepting one that someone else sends me). So basically what I'm saying is don't be offended if you're someone I talk to regularly on lj and I don't add you right away on DW. It's more likely that I'm having a technology fail than because I'm deliberately not adding you!

Like most of the people on my flist, I would much rather stay on lj, but with things the way they are right now, the backup option seems to be something of a necessity. Good luck everyone, hopefully see you on the other (DW) side...

dreamwidth, emergency backup plans

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