Hurt/comfort bingo Feb mini-challenge

Feb 01, 2014 20:41

Okay, so I can't get any points for getting a bingo in Round 4 of hc_bingo, but I have just signed up for the Amnesty Feb mini challenge, for which I *can* get shiny prizes, even if I haven't managed a bingo. It's a postage stamp. I've never done one of these before. Meep!

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hurt comfort bingo

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kristen_mara February 2 2014, 07:49:29 UTC


Just thought I'd mention that your boys have formed a human ladder in an attempt to escape over the wall... Which one do you want to try to haul back in first?


deinonychus_1 February 2 2014, 10:01:41 UTC
Lol! That's very sensible of them, but they will never escape!!!! *evil maniacal laugh*

*grabs Pythagoras' ankle with one hand and Connor's with the other* Damn, now Becker and Jason are escaping! I need more hands!


kristen_mara February 2 2014, 11:25:11 UTC

Hee, well, you could rope in Felix... that might soothe the annoyance of being caught...

But I see that you have already found a cunning plan - in grabbing Py & Con, you have now ensured that Beck and Jase will not leave their loves (or they'll come back later with more fire power to stage a rescue)...

In all the distraction, the Merlin lot and the Dr Who boys are over the wall and singing "Born Free"


clea2011 February 2 2014, 12:19:02 UTC
The Merlin lot?! I missed that! Okay, I change my choices to add them in!! \o/


deinonychus_1 February 2 2014, 17:19:59 UTC
You seem to have the idea that there is some sort of democratic voting going on here for who is going to get whumped... *iz confused* ;-)


clea2011 February 2 2014, 17:29:04 UTC
Yes! Cheerleading! Democracy! Whumping of Becker or Connor or Jason or Py! Or indeed any of the Merlin lot! \o/


deinonychus_1 February 2 2014, 17:18:26 UTC
But I see that you have already found a cunning plan - in grabbing Py & Con, you have now ensured that Beck and Jase will not leave their loves

Heehee, yes, it was a cunning plan indeed! Although now I need minions to go and bring back the escapees just in case I need them.


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