Hurt/comfort bingo Feb mini-challenge

Feb 01, 2014 20:41

Okay, so I can't get any points for getting a bingo in Round 4 of hc_bingo, but I have just signed up for the Amnesty Feb mini challenge, for which I *can* get shiny prizes, even if I haven't managed a bingo. It's a postage stamp. I've never done one of these before. Meep!

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hurt comfort bingo

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Comments 21

fififolle February 1 2014, 20:57:23 UTC
Oh this is going to be goooooood! *veg* *rubs hands in glee*
Do you have to do all four prompts in one fic, like a usual postage stamp on a bingo, or can you do them all separately?


deinonychus_1 February 1 2014, 21:01:57 UTC
It's a proper postage stamp - so one fic containing all four prompts. Meep! Never done that before.

I've already got a couple of ideas of what I might be able to do with those prompts, but nothing concrete yet.


fififolle February 2 2014, 09:07:19 UTC
Oh, brilliant!! And they work really well together, too. You're lucky!!


deinonychus_1 February 2 2014, 09:57:43 UTC
It certainly could have been a far worse combination. It's the drowning that's causing me problems at the moment, but I'm sure I'll come up with something.


celeste9 February 1 2014, 21:17:39 UTC
Postage stamps are fun! *waves pompoms* PRIZES! :D


deinonychus_1 February 1 2014, 21:23:35 UTC
The prompts aren't too bad for this, I think I can make something work in any number of different fandoms. I just need a bit of time to let the ideas settle and decide which one will work best.

Still... meep! But shiny prizes! \o/


clea2011 February 1 2014, 23:05:00 UTC
Oh yes, those four go together quite nicely! Though perhaps not so nicely for whoever is going to suffer them... *g*


deinonychus_1 February 2 2014, 09:59:50 UTC
Lol, yes, *someone* is going to have a Very Bad Day! I still haven't decided who. At the moment it's not looking good for Jason and Pythagoras, but Becker and Connor are also looking tempting. And so, strangely, are Rory, River and Eleven. Decisions, decisions...


clea2011 February 2 2014, 12:17:54 UTC
Either Jason and Py or Becker and Connor would be lovely!


kristen_mara February 2 2014, 07:49:29 UTC


Just thought I'd mention that your boys have formed a human ladder in an attempt to escape over the wall... Which one do you want to try to haul back in first?


deinonychus_1 February 2 2014, 10:01:41 UTC
Lol! That's very sensible of them, but they will never escape!!!! *evil maniacal laugh*

*grabs Pythagoras' ankle with one hand and Connor's with the other* Damn, now Becker and Jason are escaping! I need more hands!


kristen_mara February 2 2014, 11:25:11 UTC

Hee, well, you could rope in Felix... that might soothe the annoyance of being caught...

But I see that you have already found a cunning plan - in grabbing Py & Con, you have now ensured that Beck and Jase will not leave their loves (or they'll come back later with more fire power to stage a rescue)...

In all the distraction, the Merlin lot and the Dr Who boys are over the wall and singing "Born Free"


clea2011 February 2 2014, 12:19:02 UTC
The Merlin lot?! I missed that! Okay, I change my choices to add them in!! \o/


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