Jul 22, 2005 20:39
I had the most interesting conversation the other day with someone who I thought was incapable of coherent speech. Don't get me wrong, she is a nice girl but... she is a bit brain-dead.
I mean that in the nicest possible way.
She probably won't read this.
At any rate, we were talking about the value of human life and a lot of moral, philosophical and ethical questions. I was definitely steering the conversation where I wanted it to go. She surprised me by talking and thinking about death in a way which I thought incapable of her. However, like most, she got shitty about suicide. I had to convince her that it had a purpose so my mind produced an analogy I didn't know I knew.
If you could fold the fourth dimension, Time, and look forward to view what you ended up as which we will say for the purpose of this thought is something lame and no-name. A cubicle worker. Basically, a cliche Dilbert character in real life. You don't have a partner or kids and your folks have died. Not recently though, You don't have to be morbidly depressed. Anywho, the thing is, with little to jack-all in your life, does all the crap stuff in life (Bills, bad relationships, risk of crime, etc) outweigh the good stuff (occasionally seeing friends at a bar once a week or two, treating yourself to an ice cream or something like that, etc) Because if the bad outweighs the good what is the point at going on?
I told her pretty much that and she thought about it for a while before she commented. I know it will ruin the build up but I can't remember what she said I don't think she was going to kill herself so whatever, couldn't have been that important right?
I'm not saying you should go kill yourself because this analogy is based on the lack of Hope. Possibly the lamest of all human concepts. I'm not impervious to the lameness of hope. I hope at times which simply shows you that even deities are affected by your lame concept. This thought/post/blog (I hate that word!) on Death and suicide could be a little more persuasive but when you are talking it is a lot easier to get your point across. Quicker too.