
Oct 30, 2005 18:02

I'm doing this because I owe you Tag. Sorry for not being online and depriving you of my presence.

Seven Things before I die:
1. Get laid. (oh, for the love of god!)
2. Take a vehicle, two wheeled or four, past 300km/h
3. Have a profound impact on someones life
4. Take a life (or be resposible)
5. Outlive my siblings
6. Be genuinly happy with my life and all aspects of
7. Learn a martial discipline

Seven Things I can do:
1. Act
2. Be humourous
3. Find the 'on' beat in oddly timed music
4. Sing opera
5. Understand theoretical concepts in quantum physics
6. Adapt to various videogames quickly, then beat them
7. Recite some films and television shows right down to the last word

Seven Things I can't do:
1. Find direction in my life
2. run
3. understand why people don't think I am a god.
4. Enjoy rap music
5. really physical labour
6. Read anything by J.R.R. Tolkien
7. uh...Not be a god??

Seven things that attract me to the opposite sex:
1. Open-mind (philosophy, etc)
2. Hair
3. Looks (c'mon, we're all a bit shallow)
4. Intelligence
5. Sense of humour
6. Comfortable with my complete and utter dependance
7. Shared interest

Seven things I say too often:
1. No, your wrong, and this is why.....(if people were smart I wouldn't have a problem)
2. fuck
3. Yeh, I'll do it in a second
4.This is what i am going to acomplish within (number) (measuring unit: days, years, weeks, etc)
5. (The whole act of talking to myself, about myself in the third person)
6. I swear to god it wasn't me
7. hmmm

Seven Celebrity crushes:
1. Cameron Diaz
2. Lucy Liu
3. Angelina Jolie
4. The Nightwish Chick
5. Tania Zaetta (sp?)
6. Princess Mary
7. All the female pop singers who wear next to nothing clothing in film clips because their songs aren't that good anyway

Seven People who should fill this out:
1. Tag
2. Talitha
3. Young Padawan
4. ...Yeh, I've run out of witty names
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