Jul 04, 2008 10:49
stolen from yafah and four_alarm:
1. Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Hell no. Not if you paid me to. My mom used to work as a dentist technician for a dentist who did pro bono; horror stories of teeth is all I need to stay away from that shit.
2. Abortion: for or against?
For, and in some cases, I think it should be mandatory: Coke addict on her fifth pregnancy when she can't even afford to provide financially, mentally, and emotionally for the first four on her own? Here, swallow these pills.
I hate how this question is worded. Hardly anyone is "for" abortion, like we're "for environmental protection", or "for a responsible foreign policy". Abortion can be the easiest decision in the world--pregnancy scares tends to change the "I personally could never have one" statements right quick in the younger years--and it will still be one of the hardest, emotionally and mentally, of your entire life. Treating it like it's a black and white issue does a disservice to those faced with the decision.
Coat hangers, herbal remedies, dark alleyways, shoddy doctors or safe, healthy, clean experiences. I would hope no one is "for" the former and realizes that is what it will come to--once again--if we outlaw it completely. It doesn't take you six months to realize you don't want the child or can't afford the child.
3. Would our country fall with a woman president?
Fall? You ask this question as if we haven't already done so with our male leadership. We would probably fall in other ways, but not a single president has ever been perfect for this nation.
4. Do you believe in the death penalty?
Not in the way it is currently administered in my country. We fail to realize/ implement policy that deals with the institutionalized racism and classism, creating the very problem we are loathed to deal with, and then take the easy way out of just killing them off.
5. Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
Not legalized, decriminalized.
6. Are you for or against premarital sex?
Human sexualities run the gamut as to what proves satisfactory, I think it's stupid to marry a person without ensuring there is sexual compatibility.
7. Do you believe in God?
Not in the way most people do when they ask me this question, ala Father in the Sky who knows everything and sees everything and hears all of our prayers and loves us and takes care of us. That I find too immature to believe in. Reconstructionist Judaism hits the nail on the head for me.
8. Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
In a country that has civil marriages, yes.
9. Do you think it's wrong that so many Hispanics are moving to the USA?
Yes--I think it is wrong of the U.S. to favor a "family unification" immigration policy at the expense of "skilled labor" policy. I think it is wrong of us to expect those desperate from poverty to wait twenty years to immigrate as we sort out our racism.
10. A 12-year-old girl has a baby... should she keep it?
I can think of no 12-year-old ready to nurture a child.
11. Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
No. 1) America is a driving nation more than any other country I've seen or heard about. Our cities and suburbs are laid out for driving. Throwing alcohol into the mix of teenagers who are still mastering this skill, and I think we're asking for headaches and heartaches. And 2) Americans consume more hard liquor than any other country I've been to--which granted, isn't a WHOLE huge number of countries, but it's still enough to see the differences between cultures. The whole reason they did raise the age to 21 was because teenagers in high school had easy access via seniors to alcohol--they're still in the same social groups. By the age of 21, most people have stopped hanging out with high school students, and access was restricted in a statistically significant manner. Until our culture embraces wine and beer as much as the others, where a cup or a bottle here and there are NOTHING to be desired, it is best to stay the way it is.
12. Should the war in Iraq be called off?
No. We're in this situation because of other poor decisions made by the West concerning Middle East Foreign Policy; leaving now would just repeat the mistake of assuming it is a play thing for us to do with as we wish, creating problems in the future. The War on Terror should be called off. The War on our Civil Rights should be called off. AND in their place, we should try social, economic and political policies that respect the autochthonous cultures and peoples in the area.
13. Assisted suicide is illegal... do you agree that it should be?
Made with appropriate medical, psychological, and personal advice, I don't think it's reasonable to deny the choice in all circumstances, period. Right to lifers are so full of it; what the hell is the point of a beating heart and minimal brain activity if you're not even conscious, able to enjoy life, or in pain the entire time?
14. Do you believe in spanking your children?
There's a difference between spanking and abusing, and some parents don't learn this distinction at all. Children respond to different forms of discipline, and spanking should be used when it is effective for that parent-child relationship, without society making the parent to feel like a horrible person for doing so.
15. Are you afraid others will judge you from reading some of your answers?
Weep weep weep. You want to argue, bring it on.