Jan 02, 2012 21:42

Well, I'm still alive so I suppose I should make an entry. Bah Humbug day and New Year's were pretty quiet, though SFDebris posted his review of Star Trek 2009, so that was entertaining. Glad to know someone else thought the Kirk of that movie was a complete douchebag.

Still don't have a job, though I was contacted on Friday about some work experience, only for some reason the e-mail which was apparently sent before 10:00 didn't arrive until 23:00, so I may have missed that boat. Oh well, I have another appointment some time this month, it'll sort itself out.

Dolorelamia is currently ranked #1552 on Authonomy, which is very nice, and I've been making friends there as well. Aesop, aka Philippa, even edited my first two chapters for me! Kind of haven't been doing much this past week though, as if I needed a holiday from my laziness to indulge in even lazier laziness. Must at least finish that anon fic on the Tiger and Bunny meme.

Bought lots of stuff from Camden with Mordayre, who will be getting out of rehab very soon, yay! Must remember to introduce her to Captain Fuckshitfuck from Phelous' Satan Claus review. That was a good one ^_^ Also saw the new Sherlock Holmes movie--twice; not that it was that good, I just saw it once with Mordayre and once with Mum because it was the only thing on that looked worth watching--not that it was that bad either, it was a decent however long it was of entertainment, but I'm fast becoming a cinema snob, I fear, and it wasn't the best movie I've seen all year.

Though of course it's a new year now, with a new Sherlock Holmes, the Moffat version, and what a disappointment that was. A lot of stylistic faffing about and little actual plot aside from Irene Adler being introduced, killed off, brought back, killed off, and brought back again amidst a truly boring, irritating and contrived semi-romance between her and Sherlock. If he fell in love with people because they beat and taunted him... wouldn't he have fallen for Moriarty as well? Hopefully the other episodes will be better, or at least not contain bloody Irene Adler. I thought she was annoying enough in the movie version, at least they had the decency to kill her properly. Did enjoy the line about 'people don't go to heaven when they die, they're taken to a small room and burned', though. Wish the episode could have been about those comic book geeks, they looked interesting.

Well, that's about it. Will write again sometime next month, possibly.
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