The Diablos 1.1

Aug 27, 2009 09:20

He was a raider in a post-apocalyptic wasteland but now he's decided to settle down.  He's found himself a nice abandoned building to call home and he's ready to start the domestic life.


Neat: 0
Outgoing: 10
Active: 7
Playful: 8
Nice: 0

Aspiration: Pleasure/Knowledge
LTW:  Become Professional Party Guest

The welcome wagon comes over, and consists solely of Asako, one of my playables.  Rorschach plays some mean air guitar for her, and she is suitable impressed.

I love it when mean sims play catch. :3

Mostly because of the way other sims react to it. xD

Rory: Aw, I'm sorry, did I throw that too hard?  Put 'er there, pal...

Rory: :D

After Rorschach torments Asako a bit more I send him downtown to look for potential babymakers.

An heir portrait is made.

Marshmallows are consumed.

And a suitable mate is found!  They only have one bolt, but it took FOREVER to find someone Rorschach liked, so IDGAF.  They go on a little date.

I think that's Rorschach's "I-don't-plan-to-remember-these-events-tomorrow" face.


I have Rorschach take her home anyway and give her a makeover.  She was pretty stoked about it.  Her name is Yusun Wade.

Then Rorschach ~*~lounges seductively~*~ on the couch.

Which apparently Yusun is dumb enough to fall for.  She is moved in shortly after this and brings 14,000 (!!) to the house.

I use some of the money to buy them a guitar so that Yusun will maybe get some more creativity points, which are one of Rorschach's turn-ons.  The other one is blonde hair.

She's already better at it than he is, though.  So I don't know why they only have one bolt.  Their personalities must be incompatible.

So it turns out Yusun is a criminal, which made me lol.  She looked so nice and innocent when Rorschach met her!  But apparently she's got a devious and evil core. >:3

She does this every day after she comes home from work.  Every.  Day.

She also cleans.  All the time.  She must have like 10 neatness points.

I'm not kidding when I say all the time.

Yusun:  Why do the puddles keep coming back?!


She also very rarely eats food when it's fresh.  She always waits until it's rotten.

Yusun:  It tastes better.

You're so weird.

Give me babies, you two!


Ball of Stink: 'Sup?

Yusun:  So, you know how sex makes babies?

Rory:  Yeah.

Yusun:  Yeah.

Rory:  Oh.

Yusun:  I'm hungry.

Go eat.

Yusun:  Naw, I think I want to paint.  *begins to paint, then stops*  I'm hungry.


Imagine this conversation x10. >:[

She did eventually eat.  It was rotten, but I'll take it.

But by the time she did finally eat she was so tired she passed out.  Cool.

I know you probably can't read it, but I just wanted everyone to bear witness to Yusun slowly losing enthusiasm in life.

I sense some delicious aspiration failure on the horizon.  :D

Yusun decides that outside on the roof while it's snowing in a good place to have a baby.  She was probably mopping the bathroom before this happened or something.

Rorschach is pretty excited to be a dad.

She puts him in his crib! :D

Here he is, Typhon Wade.  Same hair, skin, and eyes as dad.  You better not be a clone, kid.  I've got an OMGWTFBBQ and I'm not afraid to use it. >:[

This is how Rorschach... celebrates the birth of his newborn son.

Then nothing interesting happens until Typhon ages up.  Not a clone!  But, urgh, I hate the baby combover.

He's a pretty peaceful kid.  He sleeps, he skills, he watches dad rock out.  He's also pretty ignored, though.

What's this?  Could Yusun be pregnant again?




Yusun!  What happened?  I though you had this figured out?  Baby goes in crib!

Yusun:  Whatever, I smell rotten hamburgers downstairs.

Well, anyway.  It's a girl name Kreia.  She's got her father's hair and eyes and her mother's skin.  Or maybe a blend.  I have like 6 geneticized skintones to it's hard to tell sometimes.

Time to grow up, Typhon!

Typhon:  I... I made it!  I'm alive!  *grows up poorly*


Yusun:  Frito ghosts!


Then, feelin bad for Yusun, I decided that her and Rorschach should finally get hitched.  Even though Rorschach never had a want for it.

Rorschach:  Yusun, my love!  I feel compelled, as if by some higher power, to tell you that I love you.  Marry me, my sweet!

Yusun:  Oh, Rory, I knew you cared!

Ssh, everyone she's buying it!


Feel better, dear?

Yusun:  :]

Then Kreia ages up, and Gadwin was malfunctioning or somethin so I got no pictures of it.  Here she is, though.  Cute enough.  Hope she grows into those cheeks.

They all sleep in the same room because the house is pretty small.  I could expand it, I guess, but I think that would ruin the feel of the place.  I'll expand eventually, or move them out.  But not quite yet.

Typhon has some anger issues.

Typhon:  /SO/ /FULL/ /OF/ /HATE/

But despite that, him and Yusun get on pretty well.

And he's got such a heartbreaking little face.  He looks so skinny and always like he's about to cry or something.  I just wanna give the kid a hug and a sandwich.

He is also a bathtub pirate which made me lol because I chose his outfit before I knew that.

Rorschach sets the house on fire just as this guy comes over.

Chef Guy:  I see that your cooking is quite exquisite, would you like to join our club?

Chef Guy:  Yes, no, maybe?

Then it's time for Kreia's birthday and I decide to throw a party since Rorschach had the want on his list.  I invite Asako and The Count over since they're his only friends.  He does some pillow fighting with the immortal, as one does.

Rorshach:  Hey, buddy, whatcha doin'?

Rorschach:  Oh.

But since I have some hacks in, it doesn't immediately turn him and I have to do it later manually.

Kreia grows up and somehow grows up well. She did receive a little more attention than Typhon, though.

Typhon:  Explain.

Rorschach the vampire likes to make funny faces.

He also likes to play guitar in his underpants.

I have no idea what's going here.  But I feel like it's inappropriate.  Kreia agrees.

Due to late-night partying with vampires, Kreia doesn't make it to her first day of school and is generally a moody bitch.  Yusun actually tries to console her daughter.


Yusun:  Bwaugh!!

Yusun tries again, with about the same result.

Yusun:  I'm a terrible mother.

Well, I wasn't gonna say anything but...

Kreia:  I'm hungry and tired and smelly and MY LIFE BLOWS.

And this is the kid who grew up well.

She eventually showers and eats, though.  So that's good.  Maybe there's hope yet.

When Typhon gets home, he's sure to show his parents his good grades right away, though.

Rorschach:  Jesus Christ, Ty, I'm a little busy!!

Sorry about the size of the pictures, that problems been rectified and they'll be bigger next time.  Also, you may have noticed the lack of a legacy shack.  There's a very good reason for this...

I don't like legacy shacks.  :P


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