Welsh Uglacy 1.0

Sep 03, 2009 18:31

Helena Welsh is our founder.


Neat: 7
Outgoing: 0
Active: 6
Serious: 2
Nice: 10

Aspiration: Family/Knowledge
LTW: Marry off 6 Children (lol, keep dreaming sister)

Also, she's a bit of a steampunk.

First thing we do is go to a community lot to look for prospects.  This guy seems all right, seeing as his nose could also double as a can opener.

Helena agrees.

So I have Helena try and flirt and... this is the point I realize she's crazy.  Look at that face.  That's her flirting face.  Are you as turned on as I am? : /

But apparently this guy likes crazy, so I guess that's cool.  But he's no quite ugly enough, so I'm prepared to send Helena off.

I have Helena give him a hug before she wanders off, and this is the face he makes.  A little weird, but not awful.  But observe...

Helena does everything the same as other sims, only with about 30 percent more crazy.

So I have Helena go another lot where this lady shows up.  I usually don't use the matchmaker, but for an uglacy I figure, how could it go wrong?


I give her like a dollar because I want an ugly sim.  That, and Helena only has about 7 simoleans.

And this is what she gives me.  Ugh.  I mean, sure he's old, but I wouldn't call him ugly.

Let's try this again.  If only because I love the matchmaker's "Whutever bitch" faces.

Oh, for fuck's sake.  Time to go to a different lot.

This is going on when Helena walks in.  I, uh...  I don' even know.


Jackpot!  Look a that forhead!

Helena breaks out her super sexy flirting face...

These two will be perfect together.

This can't end well.  Oh, and the guy's name is Nolan.



Too late. :[  I think she just ate your soul.

The next day I invite Nolan over and move him in.  He brings somethin like 2000 simoleans.  Bleh.

And before I can even give him a makeover, he and Helena hop into bed.  This picture is creepy if you stare at Helena long enough.  She's watching us, you guys...

So here he is after a makeover.  Also, I'm playing this as an ISBI, so no stats for you.

I move them into a new house after a bit, and this is the first thing they do.  Huh.



lol wtf you two

That's better.

Nice, Helena.  Fall in love AFTER the marriage.



This is what Helena's pregnancy looks like, mostly.

She also fixed the shower and was RILLY RILLY excited about it.

That's it for pop picture for the rest of this legacy.

Helena:  Uhm, ow?

Yep, it's a baby.  Ethel Welsh.  Her father's eyes and hair and a skintone that's a blend.

At first I'm thinking "Oh, look, another negligent parent in the sims, how surprising..."  But then...

Meet Adelaide Welsh.  Her father's eyes and mother's hair and another blended skin.

Twins! :D Yay for family sims.

This is what the kids' babyhoods pretty much looked like.  I don't think Nolan so much as looked at them.>:[  Then before we know it it's birthday time...


And Adelaide.  Wow.  Adelaide for heir, anyone?  And I like that she aged up into a white tuxedo.


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