Typhon and Carl are going at like rabbits and don't seem to mind really if someone else is there.
Yusun: In my bed?!
It could just be that Carl is cracking up, though.
He wouldn't be the first.
Or even the third, really. I hadn't realized Typhon was one diaper away from total mental collapse.
Also, it occurs to me that I never told you guys Typhon's stats. So here they are:
Neat: 0
Outgoing: 9
Active: 7
Playful: 8
Nice: 6
OTH: Nature
Aspiration: Family/Pleasure
LTW: Celebrity Chef
But worry not, he Funky Chicken's his way back to complete mental stability.
We have our first pissed pants of the legacy, folks! I really thought it would be Kreia.
After pissing herself she tries to get to the bathtub, only to pass out on the way there.
It's okay, though. She wakes up in time to have her third mental breakdown.
Then I'm distracted by Darcy being passed out right next to her blanket.
Yusun died while I wasn't looking. I hate that shit. >:[
So she was buried out back. Goodbye, Yusun.
Everyone was really upset.
Even little Darcy. :(
So to help alleviate everyone's sadness, I got a dog. Say hello to Gertie.
She'll fit right in.
Baron is still the best parent in the house. Also, no, I will never get tired of this interaction. In case you were wondering.
Well, Darcy grew up. Cheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeekkkbooooooooneeeeeeeeeeeeessssssss. Also, I moved them into a new house.
As soon as I give Darcy her makeover, she passes out. Cool.
At least Typhon has the decency to worry over his kid, unlike
someone you might know.
My game started acting funny once I put them on the new lot, so I had to take my CC out and try and figure out what was wrong. This is what Typhon looks like with all Maxis content. Damn, that's sexy.
Poker is the new thing that they all do until their needs bottom. Even though they have a guitar, bass, and drum kit in the garage.
I can't decide if siblings sharing a bed at that age is cute or just weird. : /
Darcy has been having a hard time of it, and won't do her homework. She's really behind on it, too.
This is Andy the Wolf. For some reason, most of the wolves in my game are named Andy.
An heir portrait occurred. My favorite picture is the top left. Also, nice matching outerwear, boys.
Cillian ages up and does a goth makeover in an effort to look less like Carl. Sorry, kid. No amount of black make up will make me any less indifferent to you.
Typhon finally gets Darcy to sit and do some homework, which was piling up to dangerous levels. They only get one notebook done before her fun bottoms out, so he has to let her go do her own thing.
Sigh. Lets start keeping track of these, shall we?
Number of Times Scared by Yusun
Darcy: 1
Darcy: 1
Typhon: 1
Ooh, look!
The brown one is Emperor and the white one is Dutchess.
Darcy: 2
Typhon: 1
Darcy: 3
Typhon: 1
So since Darcy spent her whole evening getting the shit scared out of her, she woke up the next morning all moody and whatnot. Does this look
How'd that taste, Kreia? Bitter?
Well, anyway, Darcy missed school that day since she was in such a bad mood. And since her grades were already really bad...
Social worker!
Luckily, Typhon had the "plead with social worker" aspiration benefit so she just turned around and went right back into her van.
So all Typhon has to do is get Darcy back on the right track with her homework, right? Well, lets see how that goes.
Darcy: 4
Typhon: 1
Darcy: 5
Typhon: 1
Darcy: 5
Typhon: 2
Also, as you can see, Typhon was letting himself go a little there.
Darcy: 6
Typhon: 2
Darcy: 7
Typhon: 2
Darcy: 7
Typhon: 3
So Darcy got none of her homework done, as you can see. Also, she had lots of lovely nightmares.
I was so pissed at Yusun at this point I moved her grave aaaaaaaaaallllll the way to the edge of the lot. RAEG.
Everyone say goodbye to Darcy because Yusun is an evil whore! DDDDDDDDDDD:<
So, of course, I immediately panic and make Typhon and Carl hop into bed because there is NO way Cillian will be heir.
But their grief is stronger than ACR and they immediately get out and start crying about Darcy. :( It actually made me feel bad for being insensitive to my sims.
To Be Continued! Dun Dun Duuuuun!