Dec 06, 2020 19:55
Super productive day.
We got a half-cord of wood delivered which we then had to stack. Managed it start to finish in 90 minutes - an hour less than last year! Our secret is that this year we had a wheelbarrow.
Simplest technology is often the best. Combine the lever with a wheel, and tada - now you can haul 200 pounds in a go and don't have to bend down so far. Genius!
I did laundry, Geoff made bread, we tagged-teamed an old fashioned roast chicken for Sunday supper (mashed taters, gravey, pan sheet brussel sprouts), and enjoyed that while watching another episode of The Queen's Gambit. Now that she's getting older the sexism is become less annoying, and they are doing a fantastic job with the game play. All putting me into a good head space for hell-week of grading.