Well, I've been having trouble writing lately, so I searched around for prompt/writing/challenge comms and found
a_to_z_prompts, so I decided, wth. I might as well actually write something. So I'll be writing twenty-six pieces (probably drabbles and ficlets, really, because I can't make it too obvious I'm over committing myself) that revolve around Faith. We'll see how it goes, yeah? Figure it might help get me ready to do a lot of writing for her, since my entry for
jossverse_bb is going to be all about her.
01. A admiration 10. J judiciousness 19. S somnambulism 02. B biography 11. K kindergarten 20. T telepathy 03. C constellation 12. L laconically 21. U ultimatum 04. D disagreement 13. M meditative 22. V vulnerable 05. E epiphany 14. N naivety 23.W womanizer 06. F felicity 15. O omnipresence 24. X Writer's Choice 07. G grandiloquence 16. P photography 25. Y yackety-yak 08. H heroism 17. Q questionable 26. Z zabaglione 09. I intimacy 18. R restitution