Sep 29, 2009 16:18

Because atomic89 is awesome and made them for me over at the Fall Fandom Free-for-All, which you have to go check out if you haven't already. :D They're BTVS and awesome and all-around AMAZING. Preeeetty much. ♥ And as proof of my excitement:

(Because that won't ever get old, sorry.)

Oh, and GG hasn't been amazing? IDK. Am I the only who feels this way? Actually, what's mot worrying is that I used to be way more grossed out by Chuck, but then Carter came along and Carter/Serena happened AND BECOME THE MOST HORRIFYING PART FOR ME. IDEK why? There's something about him I don't think, and tehre's something about them I can't stand. Bizarre as this is for me to admit, Chuck/Blair is actually sort of growing on me? When compared with other things on that show that are bothering me, they're actually kind of amusing. Because a lot of it I sort of don't really care about. Like Scott? Eh. YEAH GET OVER IT YOU'RE LILY AND RUFUS'S LOVECHILD GO AWAY NOW. Also, Georgina being obsessed with Dan? WTF AND EW EW EW. AND WTF.

What happened to the bitch is back? Really, of all people, you like Dan Humphrey? You're really gonna play it like that? Man, you had way better taste when you were obsessing over Serena. (Although I did LOL when Serena talked about how Georgina could get obsessed and leave five thousand messages or whatever because she was totally comparing her and Georgie's situation to her and Dan's? YEAH. THAT'S WHAT I THOUGHT.)

fandom: btvs, fandom: gossip girl

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