I Told You So

Jan 26, 2008 14:21

For all the skeptics who, yesterday, thought I was kidding about the Jen/Nick thing...I wasn't.

A poster over at realitybbq had this to say:

“OMG, I was just at a CPK in Tarzana and who was there? None other then Nick and Jen from BB8 sitting right across from me. They were holding hands and even kissed on there way out. All I can say is OMG and I have never been on any of these sites, I don’t even know how to post, where to post, I just thought he was dating Daniele from watching the show and I just totally freaked out. Nick looked super hot, Jen was wearing a hat so she looked like she was undercover or something, No fooling me, it was her. So is this news or does everyone know this?” ~Sandy

And as of this morning Jen and Nick have both changed their myspace status to 'In A Relationship'.

Now, this is not me saying I ship them or anything...I like Jen but I never liked Nick...this is just more of me laughing my ass off considering the whole Jen/Nick/Dani thing that went down during the first four weeks.

Payback is a bitch.

and she totally hooked up with him

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