Well, I got a job today. It's a new restaurant/cafe that is opening in a suburb of Portland. It's only about 10 miles away from my apartment, but the road to get there has pretty bad traffic like ALL THE TIME. It's OK though. I'll live. I'm happy to have a found a job for the time being. The pay isn't great, but it's enough for me to live a nice paycheck to paycheck sort of lifestyle, so yay?!
No really, I'm NOT complaining. Ideally I wanted a job that paid a little better and had benefits, but I've learned real quick that even minimum wage paying jobs are few and far between here, so if you have a job whether is scrubbing toilets or doing dishes or whatever, at least you have a job! So I accept this. It seems like a pretty neat restaurant concept too. Typical Portland, but new to me. Organic, vegetarian/vegan, eco-friendly, interested in sustainability, etc...
Other than that, I ask this question: Can guys and girls ever truely have a STRICTLY platonic relationship?! I met this guy and we've hung out a few times and he's nice and I would like him to be my friend, but I just have this nagging feeling that it will go bad like 100% of my friendships with guys. I mean, not go bad, but like...in MY life, I've either developed a crush on a guy friend or he's developed a crush on me or I've at least been attracted to them enough to cross the friends line (normally while drunk. Note to self: stop drinking around hot male friends.) and then it's just not totally platonic anymore. So yeah, is it possible to be "just friends" really? I mean, REALLY?!
And speaking of guys, there is a totally adorable guy that lives in my building and it was FANTASTIC that I saw him this morning while walking up the stairs in my high heeled boots and tripped and almost fell.
Also, I applaud anyone who can drive in heels comfortably. I hate wearing heels. They are evil. They also tend to make me feel like a giant.
I don't really want to make one big long update with all the videos I took on my trip up here, so I'll leave you with this one. Yes, my voice is HORRIBLY annoying. I can't stand to hear my own voice.
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