The experiment for Week 90 (the second week of the Venice trip in F3) will be evil twins, and I just so happen to have on my hands a boy who, if he lacked a conscience and a collar, could easily put the doctor’s godmodding to shame. How? Long story short, Fakir has the power to write stories and make them come true. For those of you who are unfamiliar with Princess Tutu, a full description of Fakir’s normal abilities is
Now, with such a badass power, why hasn’t more evidence of it been seen within the facility? Easy, because it’s a bitch to coordinate out-of-character it’s really, really hard, even in canon Fakir is a good guy. He spent far too long being controlled by a story himself to enjoy playing around with people’s fates just for kicks. Unfortunately for all of you, evil!Fakir won’t have those same reservations, and that willingness to use his abilities will only make him more powerful. Ridiculously so, actually.
Evil!Fakir’s motivations/goals:
1) To test his abilities. Good!Fakir has never pushed his powers to the limit out of fear and ... y’know, having a conscience, so evil!Fakir intends to give his Spinning abilities a proper workout.
2) To entertain himself. After all, what’s the point in a power like this if he’s not enjoying his work?
2) To get keep good!Fakir (the only person he believes could possibly derail any story he might write) out of the way. Or remove him from the picture completely. Whatever does the job~
Aaaaaand, though it’s a bit less prevalent, there are certain people within the facility that Fakir cares about. Good or evil, everyone cares about someone, and while he won’t exactly be terribly friendly, there are a few residents that evil!Fakir will not actively target with his tragedies... unless you piss him off.
What I’d like from you:
Permission. And volunteers.
Everything Fakir does, whether good or evil, requires mun permission. I’m looking to do some crazy things the last two weeks of the Venice trip (physically altering subjects, possible memory alteration, power boosts, slightly creepy visits from a disembodied Spinner), and a lot of it will depend on what you guys are willing to let me do.
A general idea of what will be happening:
At reset:
As evil!Fakir’s first test of his powers, a portion of the population will change into animals.
Anthropomorphized animals. Any character who’s turned into an animal will still retain human thought, speech, clothing, and even their normal powers. They’ll just be... randomly a different species.
This actually happens in Tutu canon due to one of of those pesky stories and no one in the town seems to notice. Some residents are human and some are animals. It’s just... the way things are. :| In Facility, I’ll be leaving whether not not the change is noticed up to the individual. Altered residents can wake up at reset and freak out about the change, or they can simply believe that they’ve always been that way. The same goes for unaltered residents. Spaz and point or be convinced that your suitemate has always been a hippo.
I’d love to have a some volunteers for this. Any volunteered character would remain an animal for at least one week, with the option of swapping back to their original form for week 91 or spending the rest of the trip as an animal.
Throughout the week:
Evil!Fakir will be working to make things in Venice as interesting as possible... for him. Unfortunately, his tastes tend to lean toward the more tragic side of things. 8Db
To that end, he’ll be siding rather heavily with the facility’s “baddies”, the normal crew and other evil twins. He’ll be keeping tabs on everything happening throughout Venice (because of his powers he won’t need the network to know what’s going on most of the time, but I will never send him into a situation that’s clearly meant to be closed to specific characters) and offering... “incentives” to residents that he believes will make his story more interesting. These incentives can vary, but they’ll most likely consist of temporary power boosts. Please note that Fakir will not be able to randomly stick anyone with a gold collar (gotta cut him off somewhere), but he should be able to give a determined villain quite an edge (especially if said villain is supported by the muns of their respective good guys).
Can anyone say possible mini-Hell Week? >D
Now, he won’t allow anyone to physically interact with him if he can help it (but that can always be discussed), but he will have the ability to project himself through his stories. So while he’s holed up in whatever retreat he ends up claiming, he can still show up at random times to talk to your character in a disembodied-creeper form.
And speaking of creepy talks, evil!Fakir will be looking to send someone to... take care of his good counterpart. Another Spinner in the city trying to wrest control of the story from him would just be annoying, and there are plenty of people here who could easily deal with that nuisance in several creative ways~
Week 91:
Evil!Fakir will disappear at the end of week 90 with the rest of the evil twins, but unless another spinner is around to take control, his stories will continue on the course he’s set them. Aside from that, a limited number of new stories will be possible due to a story-writing machine that will left behind (sounds crazy, I know, but it’s canon). I'll give out more information on that once week 91 rolls around.
SO TO WRAP THIS UP, I’ve probably made this all much more complicated than it needs to be. >_>; Everything here will depend very much on who’s willing to participate and what they’re willing to put into it, but everything is up for discussion.
Got a questions/comment/suggestion for a "story"? Feel free to comment here! Almost anything can happen, so let's get creative! I’m also almost always reachable through PM or AIM (Sanguine Ningi).