My tweets

Mar 02, 2021 12:00

  • Mon, 14:18: RT @ elson_tong: To show the scale of Hong Kong's purges, here are just the *mass* hearings ongoing today/tomorrow: 8.18 protest trial (9 de…
  • Mon, 14:19: RT @ antd: Note that ALL of these articles, social media posts & public statements were made prior to the national security law being publis…
  • Mon, 14:46: RT @ sumlokkei: With their actual adversaries gone, the internal witch-hunt begins. Happened before, will continue to happen. Also note how…
  • Mon, 14:48: RT @ rthk_enews: The Foreign Correspondents' Club of China says Beijing is using #COVID19 prevention measures, intimidation and visa curbs t…
  • Mon, 14:49: RT @ XinqiSu: With all 66 seats for press arranged in extension of court and 0 seat in the major courtroom where the mention of 47 pro-democ…
  • Mon, 14:51: RT @ rthk_enews: #HongKong people are waiting so long to get their #COVID19 test results back that the testing has become meaningless, says…
  • Mon, 18:51: RT @ hkfp: Hong Kong democrats trial: Police cordon off area outside court, warn supporters that slogans may violate security law https://…
  • Mon, 18:52: RT @ alvinllum: BREAKING: Head of RTHK's public and current affairs section Doris Wong, and 2 senior producers have resigned, @ hkcnews_com h…
  • Mon, 18:52: RT @ BBCWorld: Hong Kong protesters gather as 47 dissidents appear in court
  • Mon, 18:53: RT @ krislc: The new @ CUHKofficial student union cabinet has decided to resign on its first day of office. After the school cut ties with th…
  • Mon, 18:55: How can any of these people expect a fair trial when Beijing makes it publicly clear the outcome it desires and has the power to make it so?
  • Mon, 20:10: Exactly. To the best of my knowledge, every aspect of the 35+ strategy is legal under the Basic Law. Whether it violates NSL depends entirely on govt interpretation.
  • Mon, 23:15: RT @ WilliamYang120: This video by my colleague @ phoebe_kongwy shows the increasing level of risk and uncertainty that journalists in #HongK
  • Tue, 00:18: RT @ chryswoods: If you care about the environment then you should not, in *any* way, support Bitcoin. Speculating on tulip bulbs was stupid…
  • Tue, 00:19: RT @ antd: Let there be no doubt that they are Political Prisoners. These people are being charged for purely political acts - organizing a…
  • Tue, 00:19: RT @ aliceysu: Such courage just to show up and still speak these words, after all that's happened in Hong Kong
  • Tue, 01:16: RT @ maryhui: Hong Kong activists are charged with inciting democracy
  • Tue, 01:22: RT @ phila_siu: Welcome to HK: a lawyer who represents 8 of the 47 activists charged with the Beijing-imposed national security law was arre…
  • Tue, 01:22: RT @ phoebe_kongwy: Long night ahead: It's already 10:30pm in #HongKong, the #NSL hearing is still underway - arguing the 47 defendants' bai…
  • Tue, 01:27: RT @ antd: This is exactly what terrifies Beijing & why the National Security Law crackdown in general - & on schools in particular - has be…
  • Tue, 08:40: Sure, I mean, these people just might hold another legal primary for an election that's been postponed indefinitely. Can't be too careful. 🙄
  • Tue, 09:43: RT @ dfreelon: Black vax hesitancy makes headlines, but the most reluctant group by far is white Republicans--a much larger group. https://t…
  • Tue, 09:44: RT @ Stand_with_HK: Hongkongers in London gathered around Piccadilly Circus earlier today to show their support to the 47 pro-democracy cand…
  • Tue, 09:45: RT @ TheKingCenter: "Freedom and justice cannot be parceled out in pieces to suit political convenience." #CorettaScottKing #WomensHistoryM
  • Tue, 09:45: RT @ krislc: Some of the defendants only arrived in detention centre at 6:30am, and they had to get up to the vans again at 8am to be sent b…
  • Tue, 09:47: RT @ antd: A sharp (& very sad) observation here, as #HK47 defendants volunteer to give up their civil rights in their attempt to win bail (…

#hk47, #hongk, #corettascottking, twitter, #womenshistorym, #covid19, #nsl, #hongkong

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