My tweets

Mar 01, 2021 12:00

  • Sun, 13:41: @ Iowacaucusguy please confirm
  • Sun, 14:56: RT @ ezracheungtoto: #BREAKING: Up to 47 pro-democracy activists have been charged with conspiring to subvert the state power, a crime under…
  • Sun, 14:56: RT @ ShibaniMahtani: The action Sunday means that the number of people charged under the NSL has now multiplied by almost tenfold. After tod…
  • Sun, 15:03: RT @ XinqiSu: Beijing’s HK Macau affairs chief Xia Baolong is attending a 2day conference in Shenzhen to “listen to opinions on electoral re…
  • Sun, 15:07: RT @ antd: Um, the “horror” of social justice?...Ok...
  • Sun, 16:00: Their crime: holding a primary as a strategy to win a majority in the next LegCo election. That's it.
  • Sun, 16:10: RT @ ezracheungtoto: #BREAKING: Apart the 47 pro-democracy activists, Hong Kong police have also laid an additional charge on already-jailed…
  • Sun, 16:11: RT @ antd: HK has just jailed almost the entire pro-democracy opposition. 47 people - the leading pro-democracy candidates preparing to cont…
  • Sun, 17:29: RT @ KenRoth: Sunday: Myanmar "police opened fire in different parts of...Yangon after stun grenades and tear gas failed to disperse crowds.…
  • Sun, 19:40: RT @ XinqiSu: This is a #thread about what happened in HK today. 1) 47 of the 55 pro-dem activists arrested on 6 Jan for joining their camp…
  • Mon, 08:29: RT @ jmulich: Two million Hongkongers took to the streets on 16 June, 2019 to demand gov't accountability. The pro-democracy camp won 17 ou…
  • Mon, 09:00: RT @ rthk_enews: Thai police shot rubber bullets and used water cannon and tear gas against pro-democracy protesters in Bangkok on Sunday at…
  • Mon, 09:33: RT @ voxdotcom: At least 18 pro-democracy protesters in Myanmar were shot and killed by “police and military forces” on Sunday, according to…

#thread, twitter, #breaking

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