My tweets

Jan 18, 2021 12:00

  • Mon, 08:32: RT @ atrupar: Former Trump campaign spox Hogan Gidley claims Trump "can't" denounce the Capitol riot because social media "platforms have re…
  • Mon, 08:47: RT @ RVAwonk: Republicans may be trying to distance themselves from the Proud Boys now (because supporting insurrectionists isn’t a great lo…
  • Mon, 08:48: RT @ NumbersMuncher: CNN Poll (just Republican responses): 80% still approve of Trump 75% do not believe Biden won the election 76% do not…
  • Mon, 08:49: RT @ nytmike: EXCLUSIVE: Trump allies -- like a former campaign staffer and even his former personal lawyer, John Dowd -- have sold their ac…
  • Mon, 08:51: RT @ JeffSharlet: Bunch of QAnon influencers calling on anons to skip any inauguration-related protests, to wait for further coded instructi…
  • Mon, 08:56: RT @ somebadideas: One of most infuriating things about the 21st century is how 98% of experts see it coming, their advice on how to avoid a…
  • Mon, 08:57: RT @ tkinias: I was curious, so I checked: both Bezos and Musk are now richer (relative to US wages or to per-capita GDP) than Rockefeller w…
  • Mon, 09:11: RT @ TheHatStore: huge missed opportunity for the my pillow guy
  • Mon, 09:51: Never had to, I saw all his tweets in my newsfeeds. That said, I don't follow POTUS tweets anyway, regardless of who it is, for largely the same reason.
  • Mon, 10:23: RT @ cstross: Phil Spector is pretty much the perfect example of what #MeToo was about and why it was necessary. Great art is sometimes cre…

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