My tweets

Jan 17, 2021 12:00

  • Sat, 13:08: Technically civil servants are already just as subject to the NSL as anyone else. The oath is intended to censor and provide leverage to punish them beyond the NSL. You may not be arrested but you will lose your job, pension, etc. Bottom line: unquestioning loyalty or else.
  • Sat, 13:53: RT @ AOC: The issue w this is that donations are not done by months, they’re measured by election cycles. It’s pretty normal for a member t…
  • Sat, 13:55: RT @ MollyJongFast: It’s like they don’t understand why storming the capitol was wrong.
  • Sat, 16:02: RT @ textually: Far-right groups move online conversations from social media to chat apps - and out of view of law enforcement
  • Sat, 16:50: RT @ rthk_enews: “Behind this terrible number are names and faces - the smile that will now only be a memory, the seat forever empty at the…
  • Sat, 16:51: RT @ pwnallthethings: For folks doing the pre-write of the MyPillow guy getting pardoned, "Blanket pardon ends MyPillow case" is the headlin…
  • Sat, 18:57: RT @ OhSteveMclean: If you voted for Brexit then you voted for this. If you voted for Brexit and it wasn't this, then you're admitting that…
  • Sat, 20:10: RT @ KerryCallen: I recently came across an interesting panel from an old Fantastic Four comic. I tried to STOP MYSELF from turning it into…
  • Sat, 21:31: RT @ ddiamond: When friends ask “how’s DC right now?”, will refer them to this totally normal announcement from the local bagel joint https:…
  • Sat, 21:57: RT @ caroline_humes: If you’ve never seen a cat in a shark suit riding a mobile hoover, you’ve never lived. Guys - This is what the internet…
  • Sun, 11:43: RT @ joshtpm: We need to remind ourselves and everyone else again and again and again that this whole horrible episode happened entirely bec…
  • Sun, 11:46: RT @ joshtpm: Nikki Haley's reckoning with her role in the lawlessness of Trumpism and contribution to the eventual storming of the US capit…
  • Sun, 11:47: RT @ HelenKennedy: Trump rally today at the Minnesota state Capitol.
  • Sun, 11:48: RT @ techreview: There’s simply no reason to trust Mark Zuckerberg and other tech leaders to get these big decisions about free speech right…
  • Sun, 11:48: RT @ HusbandofDoctor: Jan 16: Bad news is that hospital, as a level 1 trauma center, is on alert for potential influx of casualties followin…

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