Kickass night

Jun 13, 2008 21:29

 So tonight, my derby team, the Sisters of Mayhem, had a meet-n-greet outside the Washington Theatre.  We did this once before, but I couldn't be there for that, so I was all excited for tonight.  So Scott and I showed up, started hanging out, handing out flyers and holding up signs saying "Honk if you love roller derby" and the such (well, at least I and my girls did, Scott pretty much just hung out with the others and was a good boy and went to get chinese takeout).  We got many honks and had a great time :)

Then a jesus freak came out and started picketing us with a huge sign decrying "sinners" and spouting biblical nonsense, and saying how he'd been saved and we could be too...he had been there the last time too, but nothing happened then.  This time, we all got pictures of him with the panda (there was a theatre guy dressed up as Kung Fu Panda) praying to him, and us with our signs around him.  Then a cop turned on his lights and did a U turn in the middle of the street (a pretty decent sized intersection) and came tearing back to the picketer...took him back, spoke to him, and then ANOTHER cop showed up.  We got pics of this :)  Then the cops came over and talked to us and told us that we were cool, basically.  Or that they were cool with us...same difference ;)

Sorry you had to miss it, Razor :(

Tomorrow is our Coming Out Party at Bar 46 near Hackettstown.  It's gonna kick so much ass!   You should be there!!!

I love my girls <3
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