Dec 14, 2009 16:10
1)Leave Amber !!Check!!
2)Make the worst/hardest choice of my life !!Check!!
3)Become stupidly poor !!Check!!
4)Make my move on Alison !!Check!!
5)Get rejected by Alison !!Check!!
6)Buy my car !!Check!!
7)Become even poorer !!Check!!
8)Star 2nd Job !!Check!!
9)Become super stressed !!Check!!
10)Start school !!Check!!
12)Start drinking ALOT !!Check!!
13)Become crazy trainwreck depressed !!Check!!
14)Get my car broken into !!Check!!
15)Become "Wishing to die in a couch fire" !!Check!!
16) Drink alot more !!Check!!
17)Hate my life !!Check!!
18).......:"( !!Check!!