Um. Earthquake.

Oct 30, 2007 23:21

I decided I needed some time off and am vacationing in Monterey, CA.  I've been chilling and relaxing and.... well, the martinis have been entirely depleted in the Monterey Peninsula.  So I'm sitting watching Buffy Season 7 (finally near the end! I can't believe this show passed me by!).  And I feel this unnatural shaking.  It's not Spike.  I call down to the front desk and I'm told emphatically that it was a truck passing by the hotel.  Five minutes later, the guy at the front desk calls and apologetically informs me that it was an earthquake.  (His mom, sis, entire family informed him of this fact.) Wow. My first quake.  I knew it!! I was sitting here going, IT WAS A QUAKE IT WAS A QUAKE.  Glad to still be here.  Hey, you Californians.  Sheesh.  
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