Tracklisting Alternatives (4/7; Kaisoo; 785w)

Apr 06, 2014 18:21

Summary: There are many might-have-been's in Kai's life spinning out like a CD on repeat.

A/N: A series of casual drabbles on Kaisoo. Because comeback feels and Kaisoo feels do not mix well together.

Track D: They are not idols, just stupid college kids who fall in stupid love; in which Jongin is just a desperate puppy who wants the ridiculously picky senpai to notice him.

It is day one of Calculus B and Jongin is already done with his life. Stupid math and stupid school requirements that meant he had to take math when he was a dance major, goddamn it. The fluorescent lights beaming down from overhead and the nasally voice of the professor droning on about the syllabus quickly fostered a pounding headache behind Jongin’s temple. He resigned himself to sleeping through the class. He would just have to find a good note-taker in the class later and ask for their notes.

It is day five of Calculus B, they are learning about differentials, and all Jongin can think about is the mop of dark hair peaking out from the front row seats. His name was Kyungsoo and he took the neatest notes Jongin had ever seen. He was also unbelievably adorable and frustratingly sexy at the same time. He also refused to let Jongin copy his notes.

“Pay attention in class,” Kyungsoo had said with narrowed eyes when Jongin approached him after class ended. “I don’t like doing work for other people.”

“You don’t like helping people?” Jongin had asked with wide eyes.

“I don’t like doing work for people that won’t even try.”

Two more weeks of classes later, Jongin was ready to head-butt a wall just to escape Calculus. The professor even took attendance - seriously, who does that in college classes? - so there was no way he could skip. Kyungsoo remained as a remote, dark mop of hair in the front of the class that refused to acknowledge Jongin’s existence. Still, however lazy he might have been, Jongin was nothing if not persistent.
Starting from the first class in week four, Jongin showed up with two cups of coffee from the school café and plopped down next to Kyungsoo at the beginning of class.

“Here.” He handed a cup to the dark-haired boy and smiled his best heart-stopping smile.

Kyungsoo didn’t even bother to lift the lid of the coffee before he said dismissively, “I don’t take milk with my coffee,” and proceeded to studiously ignore Jongin the rest of the period.

The following class, Jongin walked in with two cups of coffee, one labeled ‘Kyungsoo’s - no milk’ in obnoxiously black sharpie, and placed that cup in front Kyungsoo, who deigned to take a sip and informed him, “I only take 2 cubes of sugar,” but allowed Jongin to peek at his notes for about five seconds, which Jongin considered as progress.

The next day, Jongin showed up with two cups of coffee, one now labeled ‘Kyungsoo’s - no milk, 2 sugars’ and also a donut, because the previous day Kyungsoo had doodled a donut on the margins of his otherwise perfect notes, and written that he was craving something sweet. This earned him a wide-eyed stare and a small upward quirk of the lips which made Jongin feel like his heart was attempting to launch itself out of his chest cavity and into Kyungsoo’s meticulous hands.

Jongin called Sehun, who was marginally better at math than Jongin (ok, so the brat was ridiculously good at math and a computer science major), to help him study a full month before his midterms, and ended up breezing through the problems with such ease that he wondered whether the professor had given him the wrong test. The day after the tests were passed back, Jongin stapled a copy of his test results (third in the class, after Kyungsoo and some Joonmyun kid) to the back of the bag that contained Kyungsoo’s daily donut, along with a stupid note that may or may have not asked out Kyungsoo in the cheesiest lines Jongin had ever had the misfortune of writing.

By the end of the year, Kyungsoo still won’t let Jongin within five feet of his notes, but may or may not let Jongin playfully tackle him into the mattress. He still doesn’t take milk in his coffee, but Jongin’s incessant sweet tooth may or may not be contagious and so Kyungsoo may or may not be taking 4 cubes of sugar instead of 2. They may or may not head to the café every Friday where Jongin pays Kyungsoo for a tutoring session in donuts and kisses, and Jongin may or may not have handed his heart over to Kyungsoo for safe keeping sometime ago. But then, in the midst of coffee and donuts and the frightening, impending evil of math, Kyungsoo’s heart may or may not have idled its way into Jongin’s hands in return.

pairing: kaisoo, series: tracklisting alternatives, fandom: exo

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