Tracklisting Alternatives (3/7; Kaisoo; 484w)

Apr 05, 2014 16:50

Summary: There are many might-have-been's in Kai's life spinning out like a CD on repeat.

A/N: A series of casual drabbles on Kaisoo. Because comeback feels and Kaisoo feels do not mix well together.

Track C: Kai is never brave enough to ask Kyungsoo in the first place.

Malaysia. It is hot and desperately humid, an oppressive heat which can only be banished in the comfort of their hotel rooms’ AC. Kyungsoo is methodically unpacking; Jongin watches the rhythmic, back-and-forth motions of his arms as he transfers everything from his suitcase to lay neatly in the hotel dresser. Kyungsoo is the only one who actually unpacks, then repacks, every time they travel. It is one of the many small quirks about him that makes Jongin stare a little longer than necessary. Kyungsoo takes the last thing out of his suitcase - his phone charger - and puts it on the little table next to the bed, and turns around to see Jongin standing idiotically next to the door.

“Are you okay?” are the first words out of Kyungsoo’s mouth. Jongin wonders what it would be like to kiss him; Kyungsoo slathered on chapstick at every opportunity so probably his lips would be soft, a sensual contrast against the rough sandpaper glide of his tongue. Would he even like open-mouthed kisses? Maybe. Maybe he would let Jongin kiss him awake every morning instead of that ridiculously annoying alarm clock of his.

“Jongin?” Kyungsoo’s brows are furrowed slightly, he walks up and puts a concerned hand to test the temperature of Jongin’s forhead. Jongin ducks away with a flush and mumbles a platitude about how the heat is getting to him.

“Why don’t you lie down for a while before we have to go down for practice?” Kyungsoo suggested.

Hyung, Jongin wants to say. Can I confess to you? I like you. I think I love you sometimes and if you’d let me try I think I’d love you always, for the rest of my life.

Maybe, if EXO was a low-key group he would have said it. If they didn’t have so many sasaengs dedicated to scrubbing out even the most delicate details of their private lives. He remembers Baekhyun, murderous after some had gotten into his brother’s wedding. He can practically hear the tabloids screaming about the indecency of homosexual relations in an idol group. He thinks that they’ve all worked much too long, the future of EXO much too bright to jeopardize.

So instead, he mutters a dim “Okay” under his breath and dives under the scratchy duvet on the hotel bed. Kyungsoo places a bottle of water near his head and orders him to stay hydrated. It starts to rain, the soft pitter-patter of raindrops against the windows slowly growing in ferocity. Jongin wonders for a silly moment if Kyungsoo, instead of Joonmyun, actually did have the power to control water.

“Kyungsoo,” he calls just as Kyungsoo opened the door to go out.

“That’s Kyungsoo-hyung to you,” he snapped back playfully.

“Hyung,” Jongin amended. I love you. “Can you bring back food for me?”

“I spoil you way too much,” Kyungsoo says. “Yeah, alright. What do you want?” I love you too.

pairing: kaisoo, series: tracklisting alternatives, fandom: exo

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