Tracklisting Alternatives (1/7; Kaisoo; 388w)

Apr 03, 2014 23:44

Summary: There are many might-have-been's in Kai's life spinning out like a CD on repeat.

A/N: A series of casual drabbles on Kaisoo. Because comeback feels and Kaisoo feels do not mix well together.

Track A: Years after they have faded from the industry and the spotlight, D.O. and Kai - now only called Kyungsoo and Jongin, meet in a chance occurrence in a grocery store.

Kyungsoo walked past the familiar aisles of canned goods and home products to the baking section; his oven mittens had been tragically demolished in a spectacularly failed attempt at making cheesecake. Scanning the options with wide eyes, he decided to go with the one made of thick silicon; the cotton ones were just too easy to destroy. He reached for the top shelf and groaned in frustration when, even on tippy toes, he couldn’t quite reach the gloves. How he missed the days of insoles.
“Do you need help?” a baritone voice asked amusedly from behind him.
“Ah, yes please,” replied Kyungsoo, feeling a blush rise to his ears. He turned around and froze in surprise even as a tanned hand reached up past him to grab and drop a package of the gloves into his shopping basket. A pair of surprised brown eyes widened back at him.
 “Jongin,” he said, stunned.
“Kyungsoo-hyung,” Kai grinned, sunny and bright, and envelopes him in a hug, causing him to drop his shopping basket to the ground with a loud clunk.
“Do you live near here, then?” Kyungsoo asked when Jongin lets go of him, picking his basket up from the ground.
“Ah, no, I’m just visiting a friend of mine. I’m picking up some fruits before I go over to his house,” Jongin explained, and scratched the back of his neck.
“How’ve you been?” Kyungoo asked fondly. Even after all these years Jongin still acted the same.
“I’m alright,” Jongin hesitated. “I do choreography work for SM every once in a while, but mostly I’m out of the spotlight now. How’re you doing?”
Kyungsoo shrugged.
“I’m just teaching music classes now,” he replied, and unable to help himself, reached up and ruffled Jongin’s hair. It’s much softer now, glossy, and its natural color, reminding Kyungsoo of when they had not yet debuted and were still full of stardust and ambitions for the future. There was a light flush to Jongin’s cheeks and Kyungsoo pulled his hand back. After a brief, awkward pause, Kyungsoo bent down to pick up his shopping basket, and Jongin took a tiny step back.
“It was good seeing you again, Kai,” Kyungsoo smiled.
“You too, hyung,” Jongin grinned back, and with a small wave, walked out of the aisle and once more out of Kyungsoo’s life.

drabble, pairing: kaisoo, series: tracklisting alternatives, awkward what is writing what are words, fandom: exo

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