How A Heart Breaks-Chapter Twenty Nine

May 19, 2008 01:42

Title: How A Heart Breaks
Rating: PG-NC-17
Disclaimer: Don't know, don't own, never happened.
Summary: They met, they fell in love, they learned to know better.
AN: This should only have one or two more chapters.

I told myself that there were only a few more weeks of school to get through. If I could just make it across the stage, just get my diploma, none of this would matter. Wasn’t that was everybody said? After you graduated, you realized how stupid all of this was?
That had to be true. All those adults couldn’t be lying to me, and they couldn’t all be forgetting the way they felt in high school. I just had to get to that golden place called graduation, and none of this would hurt anymore.
I sat in my exams, regurgitated information onto multiple choice sheets and essays. Normally I would have put more effort into it, but I knew that I would pass. Why should I try and make my answers original when I could get by on so little effort?
He looked right through me if ever we did chance to be in the same area together. I won’t pretend that I was any better. I kept my face turned away from him, and I wouldn’t mention his name in any conversation.
Finally, the last week of school came. I was sitting at lunch, not eating my sandwich and not really drawing in my notebook when he walked up to me.
“I just want to let you know that I was wrong.” He didn’t look at me as he sat down.
“About what?” I wasn’t going to let this go that easily.
“About the whole relationship thing. I was wrong to think that I could start it to begin with, and I was wrong to lead you on the way I did. I was wrong to think that I could do it with you. I was just wrong, okay?” finally, he was looking at me. Not through me, not past me, but at me.
But it didn’t give me the delicious feeling of love and comfort I thought it would. Instead it ached, daggers being dug into my skin. I shook my head slowly.
“You can’t really think that way. I mean when we were up there alone in your room I-I think that you loved me.”
“I didn’t,” he shook his head slowly. I felt my hands start to tremble. “I didn’t love you then, I don’t love you now, and I’m never going to love you.”
“Wh-what?” I stammered, not really wanting to believe it.
“I’m sorry.”
“No. No you’re not!” I stood up then, slinging my back pack over my shoulder and walking away.
“Ville, wait!” he reached up and grabbed my elbow. “Please just listen to me for a minute.”
“Why?” I demanded.
“I’m trying to tell you that this isn’t your fault.”
“Bam, I just---I can’t hear this right now.” I shook myself loose. “All that matters is that you don’t love me and you never did. So you’ll forgive me if I’m not willing to listen to you spout meaningless garbage for the next five minutes to soothe your conscience.” I walked towards the door, not caring that I was bumping into other people on the way.
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