11. Ardent finally chills out.

Oct 20, 2010 12:58

Well, 'Earth', you might have redeemed yourself.

I actually enjoyed myself. I even managed to get one of those 'hoodies' like you leant me, Ray. Shame I couldn't bring back a bag of those burgers, though.

And that thing called 'pizza' (is that how you spell it?) - brilliant. Can we get some of that for dinner?

...Humans still had an amazing capacity to be stupid, but I've come to expect that, so I had a good time. I mean, your whole holiday thing is... silly, but sort of endearing. So I decided I'd condescend to trying it out.

I seem to have ended up with a costume of a vegetable with a face. I can't quite see why this is in the theme of 'horror', but apparently, that's not necessary. Ray, you better have got something equally ridiculous, given you sold this stupid holiday to me.

I think... yes, someone's been in my room whilst I was out. The dirt's disturbed. I can't see footprints, but it's been disturbed. Anyone want to own up to that? I'm going to guess not.

[Private to Rose]

Didn't you find anything you liked about that place? Out of curiosity.

People shouldn't mock your culture, I know, but... it's easier to accept that they're just idiots, because most humans are.

[Private to Ray]

I have left your hoodie, in a bag, on your doorhandle. I doubt anyone will want to steal it.

[And, lo and behold, there it is. There's also a couple of happy meal toys in there, because Ardent's weird and condescending like that.]

[Inmate filter]

So, nobody managed to escape in port, then? Not that I tried, because I'd rather be here than on a world where everyone thought I was just short.

But nobody decided to run off?

haters gonna hate, rays hoodie keeps me sane, humans are interesting like monkeys, pot noodle cuisine, ardent doesn't always shout

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