Dec 29, 2007 15:51
happy holidays to everyone :)
i know it's been a ridiculous amount of time since i've bothered to make an entry. it's not even like i don't check in around here - i do...all the time :) i keep up to date on other peoples journals so i know what's going on with all of you...however, i've neglected to let you all know what's going on with me.
i'll start with the family i guess :)
after the last update, i found my biological grandparents (my mothers parents) on the internet and my dad ended up calling them up. i was way too hesitant and shy, so he called them to feel out the situation a little better. turned out my mother had passed away never telling a single person in her family that i was born. they had no clue i existed and it was quite a shock.
i have three siblings.
shane, he's closest in age to me and my 100% biological brother. he didn't know that dave, his dad, was not his biological father until i showed up. lori had made the whole family promise to never tell him who his father was...probably so they would never find out about me because shane definitely would have looked our father up if he had known earlier. shane is having a really hard time dealing with all the information and is quite an angry and bitter person. we met in august - he flew out with our uncle from alberta, and our aunt and her family drove down from marathon, ontario to visit with us all in toronto. it was pretty surreal meeting him for the first time. when he got off the plane, i grabbed him and couldn't let go. i just wanted to hold him forever - i could tell that it made him a bit uncomfortable though. he's a lot like ian and he's not comfortable expressing his feelings all that much - particularly when his girlfriend was there and she didn't seem to like that i was hugging him much.
i won't get into all the details of that meeting unless people respond saying they want to know :)
anywho, for christmas this year, ian and i drove up to marathon to stay with pinky (my father's brother) and her family. i met henri (my father) for the first time two days ago.
henri didn't know that i existed until last weekend. henri suffered a catastrophic brain injury about 8 years ago and has no short term memory. you know that movie 50 first dates? that's how my father lives his life daily. he was in a coma after the accident for a while, and remained in the hospital for 20 months afterwards. when he was released to his family, he was completely catatonic and the doctors told pinky that he would never be anything more. 6 years later, he has his own apartment, can walk and talk and do pretty much everything a normal person can do. he sees double vision, so he often looks at things with one eye closed, and he slurrs his words...especially when excited, but he's my father, and after meeting him, i feel like i've found a piece that was missing. even though he can't remember anything before the accident really, he remembers my mother exactly down to every hair on her can tell he loved her. the whole time we were visiting, he just kept saying over and over "wow, she's just so beautiful" it felt so good to meet him. pink took a picture of us (ian myself and henri) all together...i'll post it when she gets it uploaded onto here.
there is a lot more to the henri story as well. i'll post more if people respond saying they want the whole story.
bottom line, the whole dramatic ordeal would be an ideal candidate for a montel williams show. he's pretty sexy - i may just have to call him up. :D
at the moment i'm sitting in pinky's living room. our car won't start - stupid diesel! we had this problem last winter when we had that crazy cold streak down in london where the temp dropped below -20. up here it's consistently -5 to -20 so the car hasn't started in 3 days. we've got it pushed into the garage with space heaters on it trying to heat up the fuel lines - the diesel has completely turned into jello in the tank, so until it's all defrosted the engine can't push it through. it wants to start, but stalls out when it can't move the fuel through the lines. hopefully it heats up enough over night so we can leave in the morning like we planned.
i started a new job a few weeks ago. i'm still in training at the moment, but in the new year i'm going to be managing a mademoiselle gym in london. it's joined on to a premier fitness, so for the time being i'm a membership coordinator for PF. i love all my co-workers and so far i'm fitting in really well as far at that goes. the only problem so far is that my manager is a total, genuine, 100% sexist. he's really mean to me and rides me way harder then everyone else, because i'm the only female on the coordination team and he thinks all women are stupid. i couldn't believe people like that still existed...honestly! it's pretty freakin' ridiculous. at the moment i'm just doing my time until i get my own management and then i'll be dealing with the owner of the company and not him anymore.
what else is new with me?? *thinking*
oh! we got another dog this summer. we had been planning on it for a while, so i may have posted that it was in our plans before, but i'm not sure as it's been so long.
wulfie is a retired canadian champion sled dog. he just turned 9 this past august and he's trooper's biological father. he's wonderful to have around and he's a huge suck! he's a total mama's boy and follows me around like he's lost if i was to disappear even for a moment. he's a sweetheart :) definitely a good addition to our little family.
tyson is living with us at the moment. he's having difficulties with his mother so he moved into the front room. he's not around much, but it's great to have him around because trooper loves him and he loves the dogs so he's taking care of them while we're away.
anywho, i'll leave it at that for now. i was happy to see that everyone is having happy holidays and that people seem to be doing well. to winkie - i hope your father is doing okay this year...i was very sad to hear he was so ill *big hugs* my thoughts are with you. to christine, congrats on the new job and it's great to hear you've finally found something you love doing! to kat, keep on losing that weight sweetheart and dave will have to buy a big fucking stick to beat the guys away!! you're doing so well and i can't help but be proud to even know someone so strong as you *big hugs* tell your mum that my mum and i send her the best wishes for the new year. to ashley - you spoiled girl *laughs* hope everything is going well with you as well!! enjoy those new UGGS! and to michelle - forget him man. you deserve someone to love you just the way you are and dont' need the drama and stress of a boy who can't grow up enough to make a committment to you...the new year is here - it's time for a fresh start! teresa, i hope your little ones enjoyed their holidas - i'm sure they were spoiled rotten!
happy new year to everyone - i will try and update more frequently! i know i always say that, but i promise i will!