Feb 03, 2009 03:08
So I got a promotion at work. Instead of being chained to a headset and helping old people navigate my company's website over the phone, I am doing it through e-mail. It's a nice change except that I have a guy reviewing all of my e-mails who is driving me crazy correcting "grammar mistakes". This is a guy who was in remedial English at regular college, but who took "Business English" courses while getting his MCSE at Computer Learning Center. Apparently, I have been living under a rock and was never told that Business English has a completely different set of rules to normal English. It finally came to head the other day over the word "that". Right or wrong, I'm going to write it the way this gentleman wants me to since he is my supervisor. I just want to make sure I'm not completely wrong here (don't think that I am).
Basically, he says the word "that" is a nonsensical, contemporary word and that it should be left out of the sentence if the sentence makes sense without it. That's fine, but in some cases I think it makes the sentence flow better. The best example I can give is......"Our records indicate that the account ending in 1234 is currently enrolled in service." He says that the correct way to phrase the sentence is, "Our records the account ending in 1234 is currently enrolled in service." There are other examples, but that is the one that springs to mind. Am I completely wrong???? He's driving me nuts sending me little Business English grammar tips.
This brings me to smoking. I have quit for 31 days now (except for a few minor clips which consisted of taking a puff after Grammar Nazi made me lose it). Yay. I'm not completely tobacco free. I recently discovered a product from Sweden called Snus. If anyone is trying to quit. I highly recommend it. It's smokeless tobacco, but those crazy Swedes have managed to cut out 99% of the shit that is in American tobacco products. Tastes good too. To make it even better, the cost to import it from Sweden is about $4 a can (20 portions). A can will last 3-4 days. If you google Snus you'll find quite a few articles on it. Ignore the articles on Camel Snus. That's completely different stuff and really crappy in comparison.
Last, but not least for all of your Absinthe fans, I'm looking to order a bottle of quality absinthe (at a affordable price). Does anyone have any suggestions on brands and places where I can purchase them?