Lets talk geek for a moment. I like to download movies and TV shows off of amazon, on account of it being half the price of itunes merch. But amazon's video files are all AVI's and WMA's, so I can't watch any of them on my ipod.
Does anyone know of a good media conversion site/program that can do large video files? All of the free ones I've found online have size limits of around 200 MB. I think the largest video file I have is just under 900 MB and I don't mind paying for the program- but cheaper is always better. My goal is to spend less on the amazon downloads plus media conversion then buying them off of itunes directly. itunes charges around $3 an episode while amazon varies from $.99 to $2. It's amazing how the difference can add up when buying TV series.
So yeah, any help you guys can give me would be great.
On another note,
candle_beck helped me descover my love for podfics and audiobooks. I forgot how great it can be to have someone read to you- especially on the ride home after a bad work day. But here is my conundrum: I'm poor and I only want to listen to well written stories. I know there are a ton of LJ communities focused on podfics but I don't know who is good and I don't want to just randomly start downloading stuff.
I'm hoping you, oh great and mighty flist, might be able to swing some rec's my way. Did I mention how Great and Mighty you all are? Yeah, that's what I thought too.