Jun 18, 2006 22:41
Well, I'm back. I think. Mostly back. I'm HERE, anyway... though I think my thoughts haven't yet re-docked with my head and are still scattered all over North Florida.
Work was a real trip. Bits of it not very much fun at all. But it was great seeing all my old buddies again. I think I sometimes forget I've got some pretty good friends down there in Tally.
Last week was definitely Eating My Way Across Floriduh. Kathyrn and some of the lllllLadies of NeneLand prepared a southern banquet for me on Monday night: fried okra and fried green tomatoes and corn on the cob. Sandy and I made our way through a 3 course meal with pastry AND a rather good bottle of pinot grigio at Chez Pierre. I had cubans with the systems dudes at Gordo's, sushi with the Publix LunchBunch Blackboard guys, and handfried chips at Paradigm with the student resource people. Frank mixed up another batch of his world famous margaritas on Thursday and regaled Linda and I with cop stories all night. We had cheesegrits for breakfast the next day. I'm leaving a few out but you get the idea. I think I'll eat salad all next week.
The Evil Overlords are still dishing out the chaos at work. They promoted me on Thursday. On Friday I quit. On Thursday another of the administrative staff quit as well. (That brings the total up to 26? 28? I've lost count.) All the old crew got together for cake and ice cream over in one of Their conference rooms to wish her goodbye. It was the first time a lot of these people had spent any significant time with one another since the takeover. Some of us cried.
BAck in Boston it's hot as hell and we had to install the air conditioner upstairs or die. This required a reorg of my half of the computer space. It all went well, I'm back online and the cat is laying around in a normal fashion now -- not that spreadeagled upsidedown thing on the hardwood floor trying to maximize surface area to soak up the coolness. We had margaritas out on the balcony this evening. I missed my neighborhood!
I've leapt straight back into my various projects. Man, I've got some tasty stuff going on these days! There's a bunch of new developments coming up for OniKimono. A new project which is not done by me but by someone with exactly my art style but who is not me, definitely, because that person has a totally different name than I do so don't confuse us, is going along very well. This collaboration so rocks! We're hoping for a debut before AX so we can pass out some flyers and stuff. I'm very glad to be back at work on DramaCon-- which, I just can't tell you how stunningly beautiful the new book is. Really. Cause Svet would kick my ass if I did. But TRUST me. And I'm eager to return to DeadWicked as well. I've been reworking the character designs for that in my head for weeks. What I want is going to require a step up in my art skills. But now, for the first time, I HAVE the time. And I'm grateful to also know teachers who've agreed to guide my study.
Speaking of which, I'm off to do my homework. Loomis' Figure Drawing for All It's Worth, first 2 chapters by Friday, Dee. Hai, Sensei! :D